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Sport climber
mammoth lakes ca
Jan 30, 2015 - 05:18pm PT
Good post potato head....The fact that Bush was such a loser helps make Obama shine..
Trad climber
Jan 30, 2015 - 05:36pm PT
Pop quiz, dirtclod:
Is President Obama a Christian or a Muslim?
Was he born in the U.S.?
Is he a socialist?
Is he trying to creat government dependency?
Are we still involved in the 2 wars Bush started, one invading the wrong country?
Was he in office in '08 when the Great Recession started?
Was US health care the envy of the world prior to his election?
Did Bush or the current Republican congress take action on the immigration issue?
Who was president on 9/11?
Is the unemployment rate now the lowest since the Great Recession started in the Bush presidency (oops, I gave away an answer).
Has he taken away your guns and bullets?
Trad climber
Jan 30, 2015 - 06:38pm PT
I'd break that camp as fast as I could, Spud, nothing good going on there. It's a black hole.
You have more control than you think. Don't buy into the hopelessness, the despair. You make WAY too much out of a missed trip to France. Not a biggie in the long term. You think our relationship with France has soured? Nah. Btw...you hear about that attack much anymore? Bigger fish to fry.
Obama run by a few rich people/corporations? Name them. You can't. Do rich people and corporations have great political influence? Um, yes...(see history of the world).
We argee on the concentration of wealth issue.
Larry Nelson
Social climber
Jan 31, 2015 - 03:23am PT
LMAO at the Bill Maher video. Here are some recent political jokes that jab at all sides. Hat tip to other late night comedians:
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie will begin fundraising for a potential 2016 presidential campaign. No word on what his platform will be, but experts say it will be double reinforced steel.
The IRS is warning that there could be long delays getting your tax refund this year because of budget cuts. They're expecting so many delays that they're renaming themselves the DMV.
President Obama is focused now on cyber security. He's pushing for new laws to protect companies from hackers. And who better to do that than the people who brought us the Obamacare website? Not only couldn't hackers get in, no one could penetrate it.
A Saudi Arabian prince has said that oil may never again rise above $100 a barrel. He said it's gotten so bad he can't afford to buy his wife her own car that she's not allowed to drive.
President Obama met with the president of Mexico. When asked what it's like to govern 100 million Mexican people, Obama said,'It can be challenging'.
During a recent interview, a White House adviser said Joe Biden is the reason President Obama got elected both times. Then he said, 'He's also the reason we got banned from Applebee's'.
The new congress has 104 female lawmakers. Experts say there's going to be a lot of filibusters that go: 'You know what you did.'
Democratic Senator Harry Reid is expected to make a full recovery after he was exercising with a resistance band that snapped, causing him to fall. The good news is he's fine. The bad news is there's no video of it.
Joe Biden went to Brazil in an effort to try and repair America's relationship with their government. Biden said, 'It's great to be here in the Amazon. I've always wanted to see where all the books come from.
Mike Huckabee criticized the Obamas for letting their daughters listen to Beyoncé due to her explicit lyrics. So now the Obama girls are faced with the tough choice every teen must eventually make — listen to Beyoncé or Mike Huckabee.
The RNC released its first presidential debate schedule, which includes at least nine debates in different states across the country. As opposed to the Democratic debates, which will just be Hillary staring at her opponents until they burst into flames.
New Kids on the Block announced they are going back on tour in May. Wait, the New Kids are touring, gas is at two bucks a gallon, and we may have another round of Bush vs. Clinton for president. If I get home and find a stack of free AOL CDs in the mail, then I'm pretty sure I just traveled through time.
CNN is developing a game show to be hosted by Anderson Cooper. It will be just like the other CNN shows except the contestants will make wild guesses instead of the news anchors.
The Jamaican government is considering a bill to decriminalize marijuana. But first they have to get over the shock of finding out it was illegal in the first place.
Trad climber
Jan 31, 2015 - 09:31am PT
Here's the lineup. Prediction: Bush v Clinton. Clinton by 4%.
Larry Nelson
Social climber
Jan 31, 2015 - 07:40pm PT
In the end, we're all equal
Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Never would have thought Putin used a bidet. Figured he'd prefer a bear to lick his arse.
Sport climber
mammoth lakes ca
Now Werner is gonna want a golden toilet and bidet....Way to go Kos...
Sport climber
mammoth lakes ca
Locker ,, I think Kos was referring to the skid marks...?
Ken M
Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Most aspects of world humanity(social, economical, environmental) continue to get worse. Long-term improvement looks unlikely. How is this possible with modern man? We continue to deal with the "devil"
Except your statement is untrue in most regards, and your underlying conclusion is wrong, as well.
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
I hope Ron Anderson's head hasn't exploded.
If 2014 was a good year for Republicans nationally, in Nevada it was an election for the ages.
Gov. Brian Sandoval won his second term with an extravagant 70% support. Republicans not only seized control of the Legislature — giving them full run of the Capitol for the first time since 1929 — but also staged an unprecedented sweep of statewide offices.
Sandoval then did something uncharacteristic for a Republican, especially one in a state with such a deep and abiding hostility toward government: He called for the largest tax increase in Nevada history. http://www.latimes.com/nation/politics/la-na-nevada-sandoval-tea-party-20150202-story.html#page=1
Social climber
joshua tree
Good one^^^^
since day ONE Obama has been crying for ideas.
Events? Benghazi anyone?
now all he's talkin bout is daycare for children.
think i'll go back and stare at the pic of the Mt. instead of the words
All RIGHT !!!!!!
Frank Smith is Back !!!!
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 2, 2015 - 07:51pm PT
Good one^^^^
since day ONE Obama has been crying for ideas.
Events? Benghazi anyone?
now all he's talkin bout is daycare for children.
think i'll go back and stare at the pic of the Mt. instead of the words
What happened in Benghazi?
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