Add LEB/Lois to the mix...(OT)


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Somewhere out there
Feb 22, 2012 - 10:01am PT
ok... Just saw this good news...

Who wants to take a crack at all the reasons why it is best this way?

Cheers all

(Edit: Yeah.. we needed a scapegoat.... That's it.... )

That Long Black Cloud Is Coming Down
Feb 22, 2012 - 10:24am PT
Good, locker. Have some chicken soup.

Feb 22, 2012 - 10:29am PT
I survived the night and am actually finally feeling a little better...

You survived as in you didn't die of the flu, or you avoided being banned? Because if post count is any predictor of banning, you're next on the chopping block!

Yeah, chicken soup and whatever "medication" you've got in your "inhaler". You'll be fixed in no time! =)
Patrick Sawyer

Originally California now Ireland
Feb 22, 2012 - 10:37am PT
Just out of curiosity, who does hold the "most posts" title? I know (or at least I'm sure... okay, not being a techie, I'd imagine there is a simple way) there is an easy way to calculate that.
Patrick Sawyer

Originally California now Ireland
Feb 22, 2012 - 10:40am PT
Locker, you've got sole brother. Get well and best wishes.

And remember, at this point in time, no chilli dishes, curries or Colt 45. Unless you want to crawl back in bed (or to the loo).

Trad climber
Feb 22, 2012 - 10:49am PT

BTW Happie, Jennie's Korsakoff's Syndrome (due to Vitamin B1/Thiamine deficiency) was caused by long-term chronic alcohol abuse.

I had been wondering about the 'care-giver' comments you have made recently, and figured I missed some place where that info was posted. Never having heard of Korsakoff's Syndrome, I had to google it.

I am very sorry, Patrick. It seems like you met that woman and had very little time together before this came down the road. Maybe the Sobriety thread can use an al-anon-esque mirror. Heaven knows there has got to be others on this site dealing with alcoholic SO's. I can see why it wouldn't really be a go, though, because of the public nature of the forum. It is one thing to out ourselves as alcoholics, but for the one in co-dependent style situations(and I don't mean that word to have the negative connotation some may associate with it), it is a bit different, since even though the focus would be on our selves, we still refer to another person, and that person does deserve to have their privacy respected. I do hope you ARE getting some emotional relief. It is good that you are recognizing that turning to the bottle for it is not a good sign.

Trad climber
Douglas, WY
Feb 22, 2012 - 11:06am PT
One of the things that set (note, use of the PAST TENSE) the Taco Stand apart from other more "mundane" websites was the complete lask of censorship. It's one thing to have a feisty disagreement with someone, but calling for that person's banishment is flat-out wrong! I've disagreed with many posters here, but if they go over "my line," I simply use the easiest weapon on them...and that's to IGNORE THEM.

With many of those with whom I've disagreed "on line" and subsequently meeting them in person---there has never been any lingering animosity among this "band of brothers (and sisters)." I've disagreed with Fattrad, LEB, Dr.F, Aleister Crowley (and all of his other internet personae), and others; but that never stopped me from lifting a cold one with any of them.
I'm simply saying that the crybabies need to GROW UP!
Patrick Sawyer

Originally California now Ireland
Feb 22, 2012 - 11:14am PT
Happie, Jen doesn't mind me talking about it, as I have run it by her several times and even read to her some of the posts that I put up on the Taco Stand regarding the subject.

If I ever thought I was crossing a privacy line concerning her medical condition, I would have stopped.

Jennie spent two months in St Vincent's Hospital after she went comatose and in serious condition. She couldn't walk for about three weeks, but the physio helped with that eventually, and her team of doctors were excellent as have her GPs (general practitioners, same as family practitioners) have been great. Likewise the local public health nurse, John.

The only respite I get is an agency carer (Linda, excellent and professional) on Wednesdays from 12-3, that the HSE (health board) provides. Jennie falls between two stools, she is not physically disabled (though one of my cousins, Ann, who is a PsyD in LA, cannot understand why dementia is not considered a disability here in Ireland) nor is she 65 or over, so there is very little she is entitled to, for example a day center once a week or so, to get her out and me some respite. I do take her out every day and have had several trips around Ireland in the past months.

Six Mondays ago, John (PHN) recognized that I was burning out after 18 months {I am registered with the Carers Association (CA), and one of their booklets is "Who Cares For The Carer?"}. So he organized a meeting with himself, his supervisor (another PHN), a social worker, Anita (one of her GPs), and a psychologist to see what was the best way forward.

As an aside, Jen only has two options... home care with me (which is the best), or state care, which would cost the State at least four times more than the Carers Allowance (finally came through after eight months) I receive weekly. The CA estimates that home carers like myself save the taxpayer over €3.2bn a year.

The meeting was a good one and some positive things came out of it, for example another three hours of a carer (Linda) a week and one-day at a local day center (of which we have to pay for, but she needs outside interaction, especially with other women). She also takes ballet classes on Saturdays (she had her honors in Ballet from the Royal Academy of Dance in London back in the early 1970s). Plus Aqua Aerobics several days a week at the gym/fitness centre and such.

I am trying my best, and everyone says I am doing that. I just wish I'd gotten her off the bottle several years ago when we met.

BTW, Lois has given me some good advice via email on this issue, Korsakoff's etc...

Happie I would have emailed you this but you mentioned earlier that you were not taking emails, so hence this long post.

So there you have the background. As Anita (GP) says, if alcohol was discovered today, it would be a Class A drug like heroin and crack and illegal (it is a neurotoxin), but as Ian (my GP) puts it, it is ingrained in our culture for thousands of years.

Best of wishes to you and all Supertopians.




Locker perhaps that would be a better thread for my last post, but this is the thread I chose to put it on. I hope that does not put your nose out of joint, and hey speaking of joints, lay off the lungs until you get well, just a piece of non-professional medical advice. And as far as noses go, stay away from mirrors and razor blades. :)
Patrick Sawyer

Originally California now Ireland
Feb 22, 2012 - 11:27am PT
Yeah Locker, The World Health Organization (WHO) came out with a report towards the end of last year. It looked at 30 substances that are abused. It had two categories: the first, the harm the substance does to an individual, and secondly the harm to society.

Alcohol came in number one in both categories. (Magic mushroom came in 30th and marijuana at 29, in both categories).

Still, I like my glass of red wine with my food. Just have to, just have to, have to, arrghhh, stop drinking a bottle a night (unfortunately, almost true).
Patrick Sawyer

Originally California now Ireland
Feb 22, 2012 - 11:48am PT
Hi, my name is not LEB, but I TOLD you no puff and no spicy foods - 100º is not that bad over a short term (unless you have some underlying medical condition), it just makes you feel like sh*t.

Remember starve a fever, feed a cold. As I understand it, that axiom comes from centuries ago where they figured if you were hot (fever) stop giving you fuel (food), whereas if you were cold, you need food as a fuel to warm you up. I don't know how true that 'explanation' is, but it sort of makes sense.

Okay, I dropped out of my medical studies to climb, but I did get my EMT cert (Columbia College, Tuolumne County, 1976 and worked a bit on Tuolumne County SAR and was an alternate (never went on a 'job though, with YOSAR for a brief while). And I am a medical journalist, but no, not a med pro. Still hydration, hydration, hydration (no Locker, don't reach for the Jose Cuervo, aarrrghh).
Patrick Sawyer

Originally California now Ireland
Feb 22, 2012 - 11:57am PT
That poses an interesting question, do toads really fart? Hah, hah. Actually yes, as I understand it. They certainly burp. Back in the 1980s I laughed when Ronnie Raygun said that cows are responsible for much of the world's methane gas. Actually, as it now turns out, he had quite a good point. Okay back on topic.

Initially I argued with LEB and Fattrad (and even Skippy), but then somehow they grew on me (sort of like a fungus, okay just joking, sort of). It got to the point where I seldom read what they posted if I sensed it was BS, probably because I have posted BS at times, so I knew. It takes one to know one.

State of Mine
Feb 22, 2012 - 12:16pm PT
One of the things that set (note, use of the PAST TENSE) the Taco Stand apart from other more "mundane" websites was the complete lask of censorship. It's one thing to have a feisty disagreement with someone, but calling for that person's banishment is flat-out wrong! I've disagreed with many posters here, but if they go over "my line," I simply use the easiest weapon on them...and that's to IGNORE THEM.

good on you for showing some maturity. obviously lacking in those that cannot show some self restraint on their own by ignoring those that one finds offensive.

Social climber
flagstaff arizona
Feb 22, 2012 - 12:50pm PT
obviously lacking in those that cannot show some self restraint on their own by ignoring those that one finds offensive.

Hawkeye, that's a good question. And taking names and bannings and personalities and other factors out of the equation, let me pose a hypothetical: how exactly would you propose folks ignore a user who suddenly appears in a long-established thread, and starts making bizzare, offensive, or wildly off-topic remarks say, every second or third or fourth post in the thread? This may a good question for those of us left standing to consider, going into the future.

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Feb 22, 2012 - 12:53pm PT
^^^^ VOTE 'EM OFF THE TACO! But then there should be Security Council
with veto powers composed of eKat, Neebee, Weld_It, and Werner. Done deal.

That Long Black Cloud Is Coming Down
Feb 22, 2012 - 12:54pm PT
Locker, I had the flu for three days a few weeks ago. My temp had gone back to normal the second day, then went back to 101.

Here's my cure: a fat carnitas burrito with as many hot chiles as you can stand. Burns that bug right out.

Social climber
flagstaff arizona
Feb 22, 2012 - 01:13pm PT
I'm not sure how I feel about these dismissals. Weschrist is a very old buddy; he and I spent year after year after year exploring and developing new bouldering areas in Utah's deep backcountry and Northern Arizona limestone. He spent a lot of time with me and my ex-wife and kids in Capitol Reef, SLC, and Flagstaff. My kids love him. He's not just a climbing partner. He is, in fact, a good family friend.

Roxjox took me under his harsh wing during my very early Valley days, taught me how to drill a proper bolt, and kept me rolling in free buds one summer. He also gave me and Watusi a greviously needed ride from Yosemite to LA when we were starving and broke -- not a nickle between us.

I've never met any of the others. But as a general rule when you meets folks IRL they are good peeps.

So, I sort of understand what site administration is trying to accomplish, but I do not know Cmac, have never met him, talked to him, sent an email to him, received an email from him, nor have I watched the video he apparently posted on site etiquette. I have never, ever, called for someone's banishment. So I'm not going to presume to second-guess him.

This is more about self-regulation, in my opinion. So my original hypothetical question, upthread, remains.

State of Mine
Feb 22, 2012 - 01:32pm PT
LEB as you know tended to "reel" peeps in. she certainly ticked me off in the past. but there is personal freedom to be had by not responding to those that you (or I) disagree with. she was only disruptive because others let her disrupt. if nobody responded to her inane posts there would be no issue.

i used to get into it with RJ all the time.

this is less about RJ/LEB/fatty, etc. than it is about what i see as indiscriminant banning. yes it is cmac's site, and his right to ban, mine to bitch about the culling of "personality" and get banned myself.

weschrist just liked to stir the pot, i rather enjoyed it myself.

A long way from where I started
Feb 22, 2012 - 01:32pm PT
how exactly would you propose folks ignore a user who suddenly appears in a long-established thread, and starts making bizzare, offensive, or wildly off-topic remarks say, every second or third or fourth post in the thread?

That's the real problem. Some here have looked at it as a battle between differing political views (ban all the other guys but don't ban our guys), some have looked at it as a climbing vs non-climbing battle (i.e. ban all the non-climbing posters and Supertopo will instantly be better).

But it's neither of those. it's exactly what you said above. It's about how to deal with thread disruption. It's about how do you reconcile your desire to have an intelligent discussion about something of interest to you with Rokjox's right to jump into your discussion and rant endlessly about wolves. Or Kalis.

No easy solutions.

Ideeho-dee-do-dah-day boom-chicka-boom-chicka-boom
Feb 22, 2012 - 01:53pm PT
Everyone needs to get booted from an Internet discussion forum at least once in their life.

I mean, c'mon.

Social climber
An Oil Field
Feb 22, 2012 - 01:55pm PT
I don't think it has anything to do with political views. The big political thread is still going strong.

It has to do with what you can contribute. I, for one, can't stand Locker's posts, because he thinks it is cool to do this:

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