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Rong again Rong. The 2009 budget was proposed and signed by Bush. It went into effect 4 months before Obama took office.
Big Wall climber
like installing car elevators in his mansions if he (Romney)has that kinda money to spend then he's more than welcome!
obama had ur's and my money and he spent it on some auto-crap ford industry.
talk about pissing on the constitution.
p.s Dee i like what u wrote but we only get 85% venture cap's cant we get more than that..
Trad climber
Somewhere halfway over the rainbow
Pyro, turn off AM talk radio and learn to read.
obama had ur's and my money and he spent it on some auto-crap ford industry.
talk about pissing on the constitution.
FORD? You stupid sack of excrement your ignorance unmasks you.
Social climber
the Wastelands
Ford did not receive one dollar of Federal money
but then we all knew that
The continued presence of Al-Qaida
There's no such thing.
Al-Qaida was created by the intelligence agencies as black ops, disinfo and psych ops to mislead the public and world.
Anyone that listens to Rumsfeld is a total fool .....
Trad climber
Fresno CA
Dee ee,
How about we separate California, rather than the United States? The leftists can have greater LA and the Bayarrhea. I'll even throw in Orange County. Oh, and take Santa Cruz County, Please!
We conservatives can take the more sensible parts of the state -- Central Coast, San Diego County, and the part of the state covered by the U. S. District Court for the Eastern District of California.
Now you can impose whatever misguided regulations you want, tax yourselves as you see fit, and engage in social engineering to your heart's content. Just leaves us alone. We're tired of being your colonies, and of your taking our water, telling us how to farm and run our lives, and trying to keep us from our mountains.
Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Tuesday 11/6/2012 ....
Day of reckoning for all of us.....
11/7/2012 .... we all come back here, and mud sling.
DeDe.... the south tried that back in 1861. Didn't work out to well.
Trad climber
Somewhere halfway over the rainbow
Rumsfeld? Really? You would quote a man who should be facing court in the Hague for war crimes and crimes against Humanity simply because it is the same Rovian message you have bought into lock, stock and barrel? Did you forget all the warnings Donny Dumbsfeld had about 9/11 under his watch?
Jebus Rong when was the last time you got laid? And not by the Oosik.
Wade Icey
Trad climber
State of Mine
sending people to Gitmo?
what an idiot,
just wait till Romney is elected, we will have a gitmo in Carson City for all the non-mormons that whine
will they still let you have internet access?
Gym climber
Rumsfield, Rumsfield. I've heard of that name before. It rings a bell...
Oh yes, that Rumsfield:
[Click to View YouTube Video]
And Ron outs himself as a real bonehead with this line:
"im not the one voting for someone whos already PROVEN hes a liar..."
Whoa boy.
State of Mine
John M,
no doubt there is some truth to the article, i am sure there is....now consider the timing....now consider the timeline and how long it took for the administration to clearly indicate that perhaps it was not a stupid movie but just so happens coincides with 9/11....
liberals cannot possibly be this blinded by stupidity can they as to believe that politics is not going on with this issue? really? i worry about people that sutpid.
John M
Actually Hawk.. it has more to do with not outing CIA assets. Something the GOP has a history of not caring about.
Trad climber
Somewhere halfway over the rainbow
.now consider the timing....now consider the timeline and how long it took for the administration
Yeah less than 24 hours to say it was an act of terrorism. what a slacker. He should have gone public as it was happening like Mittens did.
CockEye you are one pathetic hypocrite. And an anonymous troll. You bring an unpleasant stench to the forum.
John M
You are being led by a ring in your nose Ron. . Embassy employees are attacked often. It is a dangerous job. We don't go to war every time that they are. That is the significance of the number of embassy employees who died under Bush's watch.
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
That's an impressive list of fabricated 'violations' of the constitution - if you buy those assertions you really are gullible.
[ Oh, and do note that F & F was just an op under "Project Gunrunner". Shipping guns to Mexico was another absolutely brilliant idea of the Bush team the Obama administration failed to curtail due to the illegal immigration hysteria on the right. ]
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