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Bob D'A
Trad climber
Taos, NM
Apr 25, 2014 - 08:59pm PT
Even Bob....
You could have worded it a little better.
My take...I think Bundy and his like...(Ron, TGT, Chaz) are really what is wrong with this country..they are regressive thinkers. I guess this country has to go in the gutter before we start to climb up again. We are pretty much there...they are going to fight it like cornered rats.
In the long run...progressive thinking will prevail.
John M
Apr 25, 2014 - 09:00pm PT
So Philo, what makes you better then those you despise if you act just like them?
Apr 25, 2014 - 09:04pm PT
John M -- "It was the "even Bob" gets it."
Yes that's it except I used the word intelligent.
There was misunderstanding.
And Chaz is not in that group.
There's a lot of impartial observers watching both sides ......
Bob D'A
Trad climber
Taos, NM
Apr 25, 2014 - 09:09pm PT
Werner...Chaz wants to blame the government for everything...while never giving credit for bailing out the America people on a number of occasions.
It is pretty simple to me...the line has been drawn...go backwards or go forward.
I'm pushing forward.
Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 25, 2014 - 09:09pm PT
So Philo, what makes you better then those you despise if you act just like them?
Uhm how about the truth?
need examples even Werner could grasp?
It's not about "being better" it's about right and wrong truth and lies.
Would you care to say which aspect I present.
When you have to confront the same bald faced lie for the umpteenth time then I'd say dope-slapping is fair means.
John M
Apr 25, 2014 - 09:14pm PT
Philo.. you have become as big an as#@&%e as those you despise.
But gee I'm sorry
Like Donini said.. most people don't mean it.
OH.. and by the way.. stop whining, its embarrassing to be considered a liberal when there are liberals like you.
Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 25, 2014 - 09:21pm PT
Awesome post John M witty pithy and on task. Well played sir well played.
I never denied my ability to eviscerate idiot's arguments nor dish out wicked word play.
I also never presented myself as the enlightened one or the one in the know. I just present facts to confront the lunatic fringe on the absurdity of messaging a lie. Damn I am so so bad just like SkipT and LEB and pick another turd out of your ass and name it.
Apr 25, 2014 - 09:22pm PT
Chaz wants to blame ....
Yes, this is a very normal human fallibility that everyone of us does at times when we get upset.
Does that make him an automatic govt. terrorist?
Apr 25, 2014 - 09:23pm PT
Take it easy Philo
We still love you.
We understand ......
Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 25, 2014 - 09:43pm PT
OK Werner smoke em if ya got em.
It's like this, I believe (and stand by what I've said) that to hose down peaceful OWS protesters with pepper spray was wrong. I also believe that misrepresenting their numbers and denigrating them as dirty anti-American hippies with out jobs was wrong. Those posters on the right of center slammed me for my support and defense of the OWS movement.
In Contrast but with continuity of belief I believe that massing a mob of armed anti-government protesters to "stand down" the federal authorities was the wrong way to redress grievances with the Government. And I believe that Cliven Bundy was the wrong poster boy for elevation to folk hero status. I also believe that supporting their petty insurrection shows remarkable lack of real critical analysis. Those same posters on the right of center now slam me again for my support of the rule of law and grasp of the english language.
Heaven help me if I should use erudition and facts to point out the hypocrisy in their positions.
Hey remember the TeaBaggers other all american poster boy "Joe the Plumber"? Another Faux Folk Hero down the drain.
Trad climber
South Lake Tahoe, CA
Apr 25, 2014 - 09:47pm PT
In my view, this matter is mostly finished. Bundy is forced to pay a negotiated fee and goes back to be just another redneck.
He didn't create any militia. They were there already.
It"s important only if it looms into the '16 election. The name "Bundy" won't be one a politician wants to be associated with and could come back to bite Rand Paul and Ted Cruz.
Bob D'A
Trad climber
Taos, NM
Apr 25, 2014 - 09:49pm PT
Phil...we all suffer/lose with their backward thinking.
The most peaceful country to live in also does not allow handguns to it citizens.
Maybe one day these folks will get it.
John M
Apr 25, 2014 - 09:53pm PT
Those same posters on the right of center now slam me again for my support of the rule of law and grasp of the english language.
philo, I don't blame you for being pissed. I feel pissed too. But when you go on and on and on and take every opportunity to make snide comments, then you just add to the amount of crap out there. You become one of the crap producers. Eventually it just piles up and that is all that we end up with. Who wants to wade through a pile of sh#t to get to whatever truth you say that you have?
so you out snided them.. big deal.
and please don't try to excuse your behavior like Blue and LEB did. "they attacked me first". So what.
And I'm not saying to lay down. I'm saying that you don't need to be snide and shitty at every opportunity given. It means you become just more of the noise that is out there. Is that what you want? to contribute to the noise level? Because that is how have come across lately. Just more of the noise.
Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 25, 2014 - 09:57pm PT
Do you understand that by concentrating political discourse to a very few threads like this one we actually keep the forum front page cleaner and more climbing related. Check it out you can thank me later for so effectively drawing the flies to the "shet".
the albatross
Gym climber
Apr 25, 2014 - 09:57pm PT
I hope some of you bickering old nannies will appreciate the irony in this bumper sticker.
Ha ha ha
Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 25, 2014 - 09:59pm PT
Do you know what "irony" means?
John M
Apr 25, 2014 - 10:04pm PT
always so timid that they end up hating both sides
you are right Dr. F. I'm timid.. hahaha..
what I hate are people who act like as#@&%es. liberal or conservative.
Trad climber
Apr 25, 2014 - 10:05pm PT
Yes that's a dead calf he's holding while talking about how Rosa Parks and MLK would support his views on race. This guy is awesome.
Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Apr 25, 2014 - 10:05pm PT
Well thank gawd they still have this folk hero.
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