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Patrick Sawyer
Originally California now Ireland
Aug 28, 2011 - 08:42pm PT
Dingus, " John Salathe was a rap bolter". That's disturbing news. Who would ever have thought?
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 28, 2011 - 10:32pm PT
Flight 175 went straight into the 81st floor of the South Tower, the NIST report provides no description of what was on the 81st floor. Not even one word. How odd.
Then, out of the blue, a former bank employee came forward, a person who had visited the 81st floor on a weekly basis.
His information explains more than he probably thought and provides us with a major clue about what really happened on 9-11.
Fuji Bank had torn up the 81st floor, he said, and stripped it down to reinforce the trusses so that the floor could hold more weight.
Then they had built a raised floor and filled the entire floor with server-size Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) batteries.
These units were bolted to the raised floor which stood about 3 feet above the reinforced 81st floor.
Beneath the raised floor ran the cables and power supply that connected the army of batteries.
IT techies had to get down on all fours and crawl around beneath the raised floor to connect cables.
"The whole floor was batteries," he said, "huge battery-looking things." They were "all black" and "solid, very heavy" things that had been brought in during the night.
They had been put in place during the summer prior to 9-11, he said. But were they really batteries? "It's weird," he said. "They were never turned on." So, what really was on the 81st floor of WTC 2? What was in these heavy "battery-looking things?" Were they batteries, or were they Thermite?
The whole floor was full of batteries that were never turned on. Where they heavy packets of Thermite made to look like batteries?
Only senior Information Technology (IT) personnel from Fuji Bank, or the Japanese banks affiliated with it, had access to the 81st floor computer room, according to the source.
"Nobody worked on that floor," the source said about Floor 81.
The whole floor was taken up with a "whole bunch of batteries" and "enclosed server racks" that were so tall that one could not see over the top of them. The enclosed server racks were locked and the only people who could open them were employees of the Shimizu Corp., he said.
Didn't the host of NIST scientists think that was worthy of mention? They either did not know that the 81st floor was full of "battery-looking things" or decided not to mention it. How odd.
Gym climber
Aug 28, 2011 - 10:52pm PT
Hey Mr. Riley,
I feel bad about my somewhat smug reply to your post about my question, whre I said:
I beg you to think about your answer.
I wish I had been more courteous and straightforward in my reply instead letting my flip side take over. After all, I consider you a stand-up guy and, if we lived in the same neighborhood, I'd hope we'd be good friends.
This 9-11 topic makes my blood pressure boil. I see so many obvious distortions of the truth, and the actions taken in the aftermath of the attacks have had horrendous effects. So I'd like to show show a better side and say thanks for holding up a decent conversation.
FYI, the link you provide to the Popular Mechanics rebuttal article leads to a piece that is more of a whack op/ed than it is a rebuttal to the assertions made in the PM article. However, that opinion piece does link to this better-researched rebuttal to the PM article:
There are a couple of worthwhile 9-11 Truther sites (they give weight to evidence on all sides of the argument), and I think this is one of them.
Social climber
So Cal
Aug 28, 2011 - 11:22pm PT
I worked with the Sika Brothers. Their company, Sika Electric was bought out by ABM (American Building Maintenance) about 18 months before 9-11. I ran National accounts for the division that bought them (Amtec Lighting) till about August of that year and spoke to them weekly at least.
150- to 200 union electricians worked for him in those buildings. One of the brothers spent most of his time there. They had several shops set up at different levels of all three buildings. If someone was building a server room there, they would have had to employ them due to the exclusive contract they had. The ABM building engineers would have had to approve ANY modifications to the building, especially if heavy floor loading was involved. There were also several hundred ABM janitorial staff employed there. They knew who was in and out of the building at odd hours right down to who was having an affair with whom.
All the electricians made it out, but they lost several building engineers and a couple of dozen janitors.
More fairy tales from the conspiracy loons!
What you are describing sounds exactly like every telephone switch or CO-LO facility I've ever been in. There's a whole row of buildings down in the skid row area of LA that look just like old office buildings. They are specially structurally reinforced and empty of employees, just servers, AC units, UPS units and lots of batteries.
Aug 29, 2011 - 09:17am PT
Boulder climber
Salt Lake, UT
Aug 29, 2011 - 09:32am PT
To add to what TGT said, that sounds exactly like what I would expect a large bank's data center to look like. Batteries for a large UPS system are lots and lots of big black things. And servers are normally in tall racks in cages. and generally few people are let into those rooms. Everything described would be normal for a data center.
Tony Bird
Northridge, CA
Aug 29, 2011 - 10:11am PT
it's not like there's just a couple little things, coz. there's a whole avalanche of things. want a smoking gun? there are about 45 of them, said david ray griffin seven years ago, and we're still counting.
it's been awhile since our last go-around on this, when poor klimmer and rokjox fought the lonely fight. now it seems that more people are listening. i find it interesting that john bachar, whom i had never met, was fighting this fight as well.
david ray griffin--to quote largo, "sharp dude, but then he went south with all that 9/11 conspiracy jibberish".
careful about your compass. north isn't always the right direction.
Mountain climber
So. California
Aug 29, 2011 - 10:42am PT
Maybe the plane ran into Santa's sleigh.
Tony Bird
Northridge, CA
Aug 29, 2011 - 10:43am PT
"The board believes the perception of an elephant in our living room is spurious and based on questionable research."
Aug 29, 2011 - 10:46am PT
Wow...this horseshit again?
Gym climber
Aug 29, 2011 - 11:22am PT
WTC Building 7 was completely left out of the 9/11 Commission Report. There was such an uproar that the Officials had to respond in some way. First FEMA has a shot, and when their report fell flat, they gave the job to NIST.
The NIST report remains the Official Account of what happened to WTC Bld 7.
Their conclusion: The building was brought down by office furniture fire.
That's it, case closed.
The US Gov't claims that small office furniture fires brought down a 47-story modern steel structure.
People like monolith, mimi, TGT, DMT, Riley, Ron Anderson, Jaytee, Dirtbag, and thousands of others buy this story.
So grim is the result of people willing to buy whatever the Gov't tells them that we now have Homeland Security, the absolute loss of rights (remember when we said "Guilty until proven innocent"?), and a war machine that is eating us out of house and home. Terrorists, the enemy, are *everywhere* and unstoppable because they are not tied to any nation state. Fear people, FEAR!
Look at WTC Bld 7 folks. For the first 100' of the collapse, the entire building was in free fall. What does this mean?
This means that the entire building experienced Zero Resistance to gravity, simultaneously throughout the building.
Think about that for a couple of seconds. The entire building experienced total collapse at the same rate as a bowling ball dropped from the top.
Office furniture fire, people. Can you believe it?
And you folks think it's fun to call us in search of the truth "loons."
Whoa boy.
Aug 29, 2011 - 11:31am PT
Interesting, no 9/11 first responders, nor family, will be allowed to attend the 10 year anniversary of 9/11.
You are not the sharpest knife in the drawer are ya NWO?
Gym climber
Aug 29, 2011 - 11:39am PT
Ron, your site is not what the US Gov't claims.
So, you are not believing what the Gov't says, but what some independent folks put together, right?
Why do you think the US Gov't didn't put forth causes portrayed in your link?
Read the NIST report and you will have your answer. (Hint: because that theory has been shown to be hogwash.)
EDIT: Who is Wikipedia, Riley?
Gym climber
Aug 29, 2011 - 11:49am PT
fact is that all of this conspiracy stuff has gone absolutly no where- other than internet blogs some of which are simply retarded. Had there been ANY proof positive, it would have been in court.
The fact is, there are scores of books, lectures, videos, even officials from other states who want to see an independent investigation.
To say that this the 9/11 Truth movement is only on internet blogs shows just how unaware you are.
There have been suits, many of them. And yes, they go nowhere, as expected. Because in reality, you cannot sue the Gov't, they are too powerful and they're the ones who provide the courts.
Oh yes, I must be crazy to think that our US courts deal out anything but absolutely pure justice. Just like in the Valery Plame case, the Goldman Sachs toxic asset scandal, on and on.
The US Gov't contends small office fires brought down WTC Bld 7. Who are you going to believe, them or the blogs you point me to?
Gym climber
Aug 29, 2011 - 11:51am PT
blng 7 was by all accounts from the scene,
This is a bald-faced lie.
Gym climber
Aug 29, 2011 - 12:10pm PT
I find this pretty interesting.
The US Gov't provides a report detailing why WTC Bld 7 collapsed.
But, in your gut, you know that office furniture fires could not really be the cause of such a spectacular collapse.
So you turn to the internet and find blogs that support your point of view.
Whaaa, I want to believe my internet blog, and not yours.
In the end, what you are saying is that you don't believe what the US Gov't spoon fed you, so you are smart enough to look elsewhere for answers. And Look! You found the answer that you wanted to see.
Oh, you so smart!
You figured out a way to not believe the Gov't, yet have everything still be nice and neat.
But there is a small problem. You are still calling the Gov't liars.
Funny that, no?
Gym climber
Aug 29, 2011 - 12:22pm PT
"Oh, but the Gov't is to big and cumbersome to figure out the real answer to Buld 7, so they made up some BS. What we need is some independent thinkers to really solve this difficult problem that the Gov't can't seem to handle.
There, all better now. There's a blog that did it for us.
The Gov't would never willfully and knowingly lie to us."
For the first 100' of the collapse, the entire building was in free fall.
Simultaneously throughout the building, there was ZERO resistance.
Big Wall climber
A Token of My Extreme
Aug 29, 2011 - 12:38pm PT
Just saw the full Bush 9/11 interview on Nat Geo last night.
He was totally believable in his recounting of shock, dismay, confusion, anger, looking for answers.
Waaaaay more convincing than much of the stuff he said when in office.
There is just no way that the whole classroom deer in the headlights look, high speed limo, flight to Barksdale AFB, then Offut AFB, taping of a statement, flight to DC, being run through the White House to a bunker when a stray f-16 flew over the capitol in the middle of the night was all a perfect set-up. No way.
He didn't know sh#t.
But there is no convincing those who want there to be a conspiracy.
Trad climber
Denver, CO
Aug 29, 2011 - 01:15pm PT
My wife has a friend who was in the pentagon parking lot on 9/11 who saw the plane (with wings!) hit the building.
Social climber
Berkeley, CA
Aug 29, 2011 - 01:19pm PT
Jolly (and others) - I work with, socialize with, climb with, and study alongside with Shock Physics (Blast), Fire, and Structural Engineers, some of whom where directly involved with the 9-11 reports, including testing, and of which these results are online and available for YOU to look at.
The conspiracy theories are 100% garbage. Seriously. There is no need to find the "truth" - all this stuff is available. Just like there is no need to investigate whether aliens killed JFK, Godzilla is causing global warming, or missiles were actually invented in the Middle Ages.
I will not waste my time responding to you - the information is widely, widely available. Please get a new hobby, maybe you could do some good for the world with all that energy.
And gee, interesting that I know several victims and family and friends of victims, and hmmm, not a single one wants the government to "reinvestigate". Seriously... one of my cousins literally attended dozens of funerals.
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