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Trad climber
SoCal Hodad, surfing the galactic plane
Brandon, you guys are missing my point. at the very beggining of my 1st post, i said "all else aside". i was merely addressing the "dogs do it" aspect of this thread!
The Granite State.
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 3, 2013 - 10:04pm PT
Hey man, John M brought up the incorrect opinion that only humans engage in gay sex. The rest has been refutation of that statement.
But maybe you only hear what you want to hear.
Dr. Christ
Mountain climber
State of Mine
Ha, nice try Jennie.
Just realized... LDS Crotch v. United States was May 1890. The Crotch was disincorporated and money was seized. Shortly after your profit heard voices in his head that said polygamy is no longer part of your "official" doctrine. Such stoopid sh#t.
Trad climber
SoCal Hodad, surfing the galactic plane
DMT - Maybe if you actually MAKE a point, we might understand it. BobLoblaw - This is a completely ignorant statement. Homosexual sex is pretty comon in nature, particularly among other primate species... etc, etc.!
my very simple point, what dogs do (someone else, DR. Christ, pointed out how his dogs f*#k each other, etc, along with a couple of other examples from other peeps) should not set the standard for what people do. if it holds any water, then we should be free to do all the absurd things i mentioned up thread, since dogs/animals do it (imo, there are many folks that would argue otherwise in or society).
The Granite State.
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 3, 2013 - 10:27pm PT
You're not making any sense.
Please, refer to my above comment on why this was being discussed.
Trad climber
SoCal Hodad, surfing the galactic plane
DMT, i was just making a simple point. so yep, i got a handle on it...i'm OK now. lol
btw, give them (SC) a few more years...anything is possible.
and, FWIW, regarding X'ians, God will deal with them/us 1st, before He cracks down on the US, etc! we have become way to much like the world. read about elijah, ahab (king of israel) and particularly jezibel (wicked queen of israel). the jezibel spirit is alive and well. not only in amurica, but in the Church. THAT is what God is pissed-off about. read just one short chapter, one page or so (II Kings 18), it will give you an idea how things will transpire for the Church (the world will end up doing whatever it damn well pleases).
Brandon - i haven't read the whole thread, was just comenting on what a few peeps were claiming as proof positive, or whatever. i thought i made that clear with my declaration of "all else aside"...
"making a point out of context" ... well, that was my point. it shouldn't be brought into the subject/context of the discussion. because there are plenty of people that will argue otherwise, to some extent (that it is natural because its found in nature). if that premise is true, then all else should be considered natural, since it is found in nature. that is what the "biologist" BobLawlaw & Dr. Christ were exclaiming as evidence, blah, blah...! Not sure what transpired in the conversation from around that point. Kinda made me sick to my stomach and didn't go any further. didn't mean to sound as if i was jumping to conclusions (if that is what it seemed like i was doing) just addressing a few folks point of view.
edit: "read II Kings 18". - oops, i meant 'I Kings 18', sorry about that. very interesting (and very short/1 page) chapter. it's about what is going to go down, sooner or later, here in amurica (regarding the Church).
The Granite State.
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 3, 2013 - 10:51pm PT
You were making a point out of context and you didn't know it.
It's cool, I forgive you.
Maybe read the thread before you jump in next time?
Trad climber
Elk Creek, Idaho
Ha, nice try Jennie.
Just realized... LDS Crotch v. United States was May 1890. The Crotch was disincorporated and money was seized. Shortly profit heard voices in his head that said polygamy is no longer part of your "official" after your doctrine. Such stoopid sh#t.
The church was disincorporated in in 1862 as part of the Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act ...and again later in 1887 the Edmunds-Tucker Act. So why not in 1862 or 1887?.
You're saying the intimidator's fist was the only reason for the Woodruff Manifesto...but looking past the sociological perspective. In the 1850's nearly 25% of mormon marriages in Utah were polygamous...by 1890 the proportion had dropped to about 5%.
The majority of women arriving from mission fields declined. Polygamy ceased to be numerically feasible. The church wanted as many male members to marry as possible. Several church authorities had expressed concern of a "shortage of brides".
The future of polygamy in Utah was simply not viable as the turn of the century approached. Mormons wanted a nation of their own but "manifest destiny" and federal possession vetoed that. Why fight another war with the federal menace when the institution of Mormon polygamy was about to expire anyway?
Dr. Christ
Mountain climber
State of Mine
The church was disincorporated in in 1862 as part of the Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act ...and again later in 1887 the Edmunds-Tucker Act. So why not in 1862 or 1887?.
Because they didn't seize any money?
Either that or your god is a lazy ass who doesn't know sh#t about what is going on down here.
Several church authorities had expressed concern of a "shortage of brides".
Did they try praying for more women?
Social climber
the Wastelands
I have to ask because you seem to know a lot about this
Jennie, are you a Mormon?
Trad climber
Elk Creek, Idaho
Hi, Norton...
Yes, I'm mormon.
If I ever get my doctrate please please remind me to take the doctoral tam off my head and let rays of sunlight shine into the crack :-)
Trad climber
Elk Creek, Idaho
Thanks DMT :-)
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Poignant on this day are some quotes from wise old crusty white guys (who gave us our country and laws);
[D]emocracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy, such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man’s life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mould itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will and the execrable cruelty of one or a very few. (John Adams, An Essay on Man’s Lust for Power)
No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and Virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders. (Samuel Adams to James Warren, 1775)
Is there no virtue among us? If there be not, we are in a wretched situation. No theoretical checks — no form of government can render us secure. To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical idea. If there be sufficient virtue and intelligence in the community, it will be exercised in the selection of these men. So that we do not depend on their virtue, or put confidence in our rulers, but in the people who are to choose them. (James Madison, Virginia Ratifying Convention)
Smart guys who saw faith and virtue as keys to a moral, civil society that could self-govern.
God bless America, and our wise, old Founders. But you all are so smart now, we should change sh#t up.
Social climber
How many had slaves?
Go America! Let's make it awesome. Home of the free land of the brave.
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
How many had slaves?
Go America! Let's make it awesome. Home of the free land of the brave.
Good point, but read their words. Do you understand THEIR point? About immorality and tyranny?
I understand times change and societies 'evolve'. But should we not have everlasting common-denominators? Basic rules? Laws? Ethics? Morality?
I believe we should, and that's what makes us strong. Weaken that line and you weaken our society. That is 'their' goal. They are persistent.
That is how you destroy a super-power.
Social climber
Forget the past. Take the collective consciousness of everyone's voice. THAT'S democracy.
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Forget the past. Take the collective consciousness of everyone's voice. THAT'S democracy.
Um, no. If the majority votes for gov't subsidies and foodstamps, we are doomed.
A majority is not an authority. People are stupid, especially now! This is why a democracy cannot work. Our Founders knew that.
The Granite State.
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 4, 2013 - 02:05pm PT
Happy Birthday America!
You're doing great!
Ignore those who want to limit freedom, most of us still love you!
Social climber
joshua tree
GEEZ. Peeps lashing out about slavery on a homo thread? HOW QUEER!
As if the Founders of this great nation started slavery. When it was they who abolished it.
Spearheaded by none other than a Christian. This precedents caused many more nations
to free their slaves. Sad thing is slavery still goes on today in Africa. Blacks owning blacks.
Now let's get back to the op topic of buttplugs, blue ones, and green ones and yellow ones
and purple ones. Oh my!
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Yes many of them pondered this perplexing problem from the porches of their plantation homes, whilst gazing over their fields tended by their slaves.
"Democracy will lead to all sorts of problems."
Do you really believe that? People will always, ignorantly, vote themselves a raise without realizing the repercussions of that money spent, or taken from.
This is where we're at. We have fallen down.
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