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Social climber
Berkeley, CA
Aug 29, 2011 - 05:06pm PT
Ok, you all got me.
I'm one of "THEM".
You're right, it was an insider job. You see, we've developed enhanced RayGun technology from one of the spaceships stored at Area 51. And this RayGun technology can both take down buildings *and* look like airplanes *and* start a nuclear reaction on the bottom of a pile to make it smolder for months *and* even time travel, so we can make up the existence of people supposedly on those planes *and* plant the existence of those people in your minds, all before the event.
But we forgot to sabotage all the video cameras, and when the Pentagon RayGun malfunctioned and didn't look like an airplane, the FBI had to run around and confiscate the video. Oopsy.
Mountain climber
San Diego
Aug 29, 2011 - 06:30pm PT
No doubt there is plenty to complain about regarding Obama, but he didn't start this fire, Bush & The Neocons did.
They "TPTB" knew what was going to happen and they used it to their advantage to accomplish what they wanted: LIHOP
Also they "TPTB" knew what they had to do to make it happen: MIHOP
**Eric Rockefeller revealed to Aaron Russo what the NWO wants and that something big was going to happen to be the pretext to go war and invade Afghanistan and Iraq before 9-11-2001.
**Lt. Mike Vreeland from the Pentagon revealed while jailed in Canada that 9-11-2001 would occur and what the events would be. He wrote this down and sealed it in an envelope and gave it to the Canadian authorites. They opened it after 9-11-2001 occurred. This has been verified in Canadian court.
**Ex CIA Asset Susan Lindauer reveals that US intelligence knew very specifically that the WTC towers would be attacked by aircraft before 9-11-2001 and she shares all the specific details and more. She was held in prison for 5 years by our US govenment on a Texas military base in attempts to silence her.
All of this verifies LIHOP and MIHOP.
Eric Rockefeller Reveals 9/11 FRAUD to Aaron Russo
A White Knight Talking Backwards
by Michael C. Ruppert, Author of Crossing The Rubicon
Ex CIA Asset Susan Lindauer blows the whistle on 911 myth
Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq [Paperback]
Susan Lindauer (Author)
"Spies Knew"
Mountain climber
So. California
Aug 29, 2011 - 06:39pm PT
It's clear that if you looked to the grassy knoll in Dealy Plaza, Dallas, you would have seen a 2nd missile fired by Jack Ruby hit the Pentagon. He was really shooting at Big Foot, but missed.
Mountain climber
San Diego
Aug 29, 2011 - 06:50pm PT
You are very naive. You actually think we have freedom of press. That went out with the fairness doctrine. They continually squash real news all the time in MSM.
News stations in MSM are all Corporate owned. Corporations have extreme biases and cover-up the truth for their selfish motives.
All cases of true crimes brought to trial in court against TPTB are quickly squashed as well.
Have you not been paying attention to anything?
Gym climber
Aug 29, 2011 - 06:55pm PT
All orchestrated by these two!
Dingus, I don't know of anybody who things Bush and Cheney orchestrated 9-11. At least I certainly don't.
Riley, to answer your question, yes, this topic does remind me of others where science is being ignored.
From the wikipedia page you referenced:
According to the group, and NIST themselves who considered it unnecessary, NIST did not look for physical evidence of explosives[26][42] and did not include the eyewitness accounts from first responders and from people who escaped the buildings in their investigation.[51] The organization also alleges that much of the physical evidence, apart from a few selected samples of the steel, would have been destroyed.[42]
For real science to take place, you have to test for the most likely cause, which NIST purposely did NOT do. I have a problem with this. The steel in the WTC buildings was liquid. Why not test for the only possible explanation for this level of heat.
I know you cannot explain that one, without telling me that controlled demolition was ruled out because of prejudice (i.e. prejudging the result), which is NOT scientific.
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Aug 29, 2011 - 07:13pm PT
Also, are you 'truthers' denying a bunch of crazy arabs crashed planes into the towers?
Gym climber
Aug 29, 2011 - 07:24pm PT
Dingus, I'll be forthright and say that I do believe that there was a cover up of the 9-11 events (did I fool you?). I believe there are many levels of planning and complacency associated with those events.
I believe the planning for such an event was years in the making, long before W took office. It's my belief that the real folks in power don't come and go with WH administrations. Remember, those in the military and who control the black budget aren't elected.
I am open to any scenario, however, and even the Official Story can be possible. But we will never know without a real investigation that doesn't hide facts, evidence, testimony, and real science.
Even the believers on this site have shown no love for the Official Story as told by the 9-11 Commission Report. They point to blogs to explain events, blogs that contradict the Official Story. Yet they are firm in their belief that the Official Story is correct and true. Amazing, no?
Cell phone calls from airplanes. Ah, minor lie.
Dismissal of melted steel at the WTC. Ah, any office fire could do that, what's the gripe?
On and on, the pure Suspension of Disbelief. You have to have it to swallow the Official Story. Yet look at all these folks that are so stone certain that The Story is the only way it could have happened.
Sorry Riley, but Kool-Aid. It's cheap and plentiful.
And I'll stop saying that as soon as you explain the molten steel at the World Trade Center, weeks after the fires were out.
Gym climber
Aug 29, 2011 - 07:32pm PT
ssso the drift 'o' the thread is now bldng 7 since the whole "not a plane" thing has gone "up in smoke"?
Well Ron, I stopped perusing that path because nobody wanted to overlay the outline of a 757 on top of the over-sized Pentagon image that monolith posted a while back.
I figured all you believers fled the scene because you realized that there was no way a 757 could have caused the damage that occurred at that site.
But I'm willing to keep discussing if you want. Are you going to show us the overlay?
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Aug 29, 2011 - 08:09pm PT
There are one of two responses...
a. SEE! WE TOLD YOU SO! or....
b. LIARS!!!!1111111
Good point.
Gym climber
Aug 29, 2011 - 08:20pm PT
Ron, you mean your sketch that wasn't to scale?
Gym climber
Aug 29, 2011 - 08:25pm PT
Cleo, your link explains the melted steel by denying it existed.
To finish, none of these stories prove there was molten (as in liquid) steel at the WTC. There's no evidence temperatures were hot enough to produce that (whatever the energy source), and some of the stories claiming "molten steel" have built-in implausibilities.
So, this report ignores eye witnesses, and photos. There is a picture of liquid steel flowing out of the WTC tower. Hard to deny. Sorry.
Maybe you havea picture of Atta flying the plane. You know, there is no proof that he actually flew it, right?
Keep drinking cleo, the Kool-Aid is plentiful.
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 29, 2011 - 08:28pm PT
"The truth always passes through three stages; First, it is ridiculed, Second, it is violently opposed and finally, it is accepted as self-evident."
Gym climber
Aug 29, 2011 - 08:31pm PT
I have made cell phone calls from aircraft while in the air.
Really Dingus, in 2001 you made high-altitude cell phone calls?
Impressive to say the least.
Also, a scientific study is one that can be reproduced.
So, let's go with Werner and fire up that 757!
Social climber
Berkeley, CA
Aug 29, 2011 - 08:31pm PT
Ah, I see we're in the
b. LIARS!!!!1111111
But wait, I thought there was no plane? I mean, at the Pentagon? But instead, there was somebody else flying a plane at the WTC? Wait, I'm confused, which is it, missiles or planes? Why would they change strategies?
Oh right, the raygun malfunctioned, forget I confessed that...
P.S. I've made high altitude phone calls too. Not hard. Yes, before 2001. Because that's when I was working and flying a lot, I haven't flown much since 2003.
Mountain climber
So. California
Aug 29, 2011 - 08:47pm PT
Yeti was spotted on the Pentagon lawn just before the explosion. Connection?
Gym climber
Aug 29, 2011 - 08:52pm PT
cleo, your web page is very telling, because the only way to explain the melted steel is by denying it existed at all.
It's not there, so no problem.
However, there is a problem because there is video of liquid steel flowing out of the WTC towers.
This is the problem that I have with a lot of the Official Story, it cherry picks the evidence it wants to use to bolster The Story.
High-altitude cell phone calls. OK you guys, get real. Type this into Google for a little research:
9-11 high-altitude cell phone calls
Read the page-upon-page of reports that say it didn't work in 2001.
But now we have two miracles right here on SuperTopo. Amazing.
EDIT: This is going nowhere. The believers will believe anything the Gov't tells them (unless a blog better supports their pre-judged opinion). Versus the 9-11 Truth Movement who has eye-witness, photos, and other sources of evidence that are glossed over.
As someone who does not believe the Official Story as presented, I would like to see answers to some of the hard questions. Like, cloe, how come the molten steel. The list is very long and telling, and for all the things to happen as stated in the Official Story, well it wouldn't be one or two minor miracles, it's be many Major miracles, all compressed into one morning. Id's sooner believe that I'll hit the lottery twice in a row.
So have at it folks. Keep posting up web sites that contradict the US Gov't story in an attempt to prove their story is correct. Like Werner said, the truth will out.
PS. Thanks Dingus for your reply!
Cheers all...
Social climber
Berkeley, CA
Aug 29, 2011 - 08:59pm PT
b. LIARS!1111111
Yep, I'm lying about the cell phone. Nope, never ever got a kick out of freaking out colleagues by doing just that way back in them olden days. Nope, didn't learn to do it when someone else did it to me way back then. I even remember exactly which someone (a client) and why we were flying together (we did it twice a week during Summer 2001). But anyway, I'm lying! Must be!
(actually, i have no idea what this has to do with your nutty theories, but you keep mentioning it...)
Aug 29, 2011 - 09:07pm PT
Nearly all of the calls were made using airphones. You know, the back of the seat variety. Only a few came from cell phones, in known cell phone corridors. Why would the NWO fake both kinds, when they could just fake the airphone ones?
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 29, 2011 - 09:26pm PT
CIA Asset Susan Lindauer blows the whistle on 911 myth.
Klimmer pulls a good one out from deep in the murk.
You guys are wasting your time arguing about the cell phone stuff.
It's not even important and all you'll do is get swallowed up in the murk.
The real deal good stuff is all coming out bit by bit.
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