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Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
"we need to separate health care expenses from employment"
Gold Canyon, AZ
Don't worry. Your policy will change in the not too distant future and it will cost you more $$$
It's pretty much impossible to disagree with that, but insurance companies have always changed policies and increased prices every year. That isn't something caused by Obamacare. I should add that cost containment is not a major part of Obamacare, but is something that definitely needs to be addressed.
Social climber
So Cal
Social climber
So Cal
Winners don't need unions
Gold Canyon, AZ
Someone else screwed by Obamacare...
...oh, wait...nevermind.
Conservative groups are highlighting the case of an Arizona man with leukemia whose insurance plan was canceled because it didn’t comply with the Affordable Care Act. A news report quoted the man as saying he would need to pay $26,000 to keep the same doctor. It turns out, he was able to get a new plan, which has his doctor in its network, for a lower premium and a lower out-of-pocket maximum than his old plan.
Sport climber
mammoth lakes ca
The Chief...Union thievery..? 1 guy working and 12 guys standing around watching..? I didn't know the Mammoth Airport workers were unionized...? Did you hurt your back carrying Rusty's golf clubs..?
Larry Nelson
Social climber
jghedge wrote:
Try reality
Kind of ironic coming from a man who makes his living in Hollywood.
Obama interview here:
That is, many have pointed out that his campaign website was really good, so why didn't that mean that he'd be good at setting up a health insurance website? The answer is that the government is bad because the government is hampered by... government!
Gym climber
its nice here in the spring
I think the passing of friday night has caused some of you to lose sight of the most important question that needs to be answered in this thread: Who drinks less cragman or riley?
Mountain climber
Anchorage AK, Reno NV
if our special forces were in the business of protecting americans from real terrorisms which actually affects their lives...
they would be abducting and insurance and banking company managers and executives; delivering them to blacksites were cia contractors would wall and waterboard them
Good Point.
And DAMN those film industry union members.. the producers are going broke! Making just 100M profit on a film is just pathetic these days. We need to cut the boom operators pay in half right now!!! They don't have the right to sit on thier ass at all.. they need to get to work.. grab a broom or something.. go scrub a toilet when not filming. We arn't paying you to sit on your ass while Brad Pitt gets his hair fixed! But get your ass back here fast and be ready to go if we need ya.
Mountain climber
Anchorage AK, Reno NV
Even if that is true .. Producer is making damn good money selling something for which he hired union workers. I'm guessing he is getting more than just a pile of sh#t out of those union workers.
I guess the Union could write the contract such that the union worker only gets paid based on time they are actually doing the work they were hired for. Course you might then have to pay $200/hour. Infact that would be about right based on my experience working for myself.
My rule of thumb is to bid for a target of about $100/hour. But I'm not in a seasonal or rare project based industry. If I were I'd have to bid/work with down season or dead months in mind too.
If the specialized job you need someone to do does not pay enough to live decently then you won't get anyone to do that job. Regardless if it's a job that only takes 1 hour a day to do 20 days a year. The specialized skilled worked must keep a roof over their head and eat the rest of the time you dont need their work.
If you make enough off their work in between their sitting on the shitter typing political drivel on a website (which clearly the producer is) then the amount of pay is justified.
Trad climber
The ACA cut funding for unreimbursed care at critical access hospitals because those uninsured patients would be covered by Medicaid. Unfortunately, the supreme court decided that Republicans could choose to not cover those people and so now those hospitals are getting screwed.
Now, in a perverse twist, many of the poor people who rely on safety-net hospitals like Memorial will be doubly unlucky. A government subsidy, little known outside health policy circles but critical to the hospitals’ survival, is being sharply reduced under the new health law.
The subsidy, which for years has helped defray the cost of uncompensated and undercompensated care, was cut substantially on the assumption that the hospitals would replace much of the lost income with payments for patients newly covered by Medicaid or private insurance. But now the hospitals in states like Georgia will get neither the new Medicaid patients nor most of the old subsidies, which many say are crucial to the mission of care for the poor.
“We were so thrilled when the law passed, but it has backfired,” said Lindsay Caulfield, senior vice president for planning and marketing at Grady Health in Atlanta, the largest safety-net hospital in Georgia.
It is now facing the loss of nearly half of its roughly $100 million in annual subsidies known as disproportionate share hospital payments.
Social climber
So Cal
Social climber
So Cal
932,000 left the workforce last month.
Third worst month in history.
Gold Canyon, AZ
I should add that cost containment is not a major part of Obamacare
actually, the ACA is already bending the overall cost of healthcare
not downwards but slowing the the accelerating increase going on for decades now
Thanks. I do realize that. What I meant to point out is that we still need to address the fact that we collectively pay twice as much in the USA as people in other industrialized western democracies do for their healthcare.
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 11, 2013 - 02:15pm PT
Good news has arrived!
The health care laws have boosted employment. Oregon hired 400 people to process handwritten applications.
Still don't have anyone signed up yet. http://seattle.cbslocal.com/2013/11/11/oregon-health-care-exchange-has-yet-to-enroll-a-single-person/
and there are the 140,000 people who had their choice of insurance they had purchased cancelled by gov. fiat with no alternative.....they're still screwed of course.
11/11/2013 newz: "SALEM, Ore. (AP) — With a reputation as a pacesetter in health care, Oregon laid out bold plans for complying with the federal overhaul.
The state wouldn’t just create a health insurance exchange, a complicated undertaking in its own right. Oregon officials set out to build one of the biggest and best in the nation — a model that other states would want to copy.
But more than a month after Cover Oregon’s online enrollment was supposed to launch, reality is lagging far behind Gov. John Kitzhaber’s grand ideas. The online system still doesn’t work, and the exchange has yet to enroll a single person in health insurance." but they only spent a bit more than $300,000,000 ($300 million, yes) to get the site up so you can't blame them for not spending to achieve their goals.
Larry Nelson
Social climber
Nov 12, 2013 - 06:41am PT
Short blog post by the head of Harvard's economic dept.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Is community rating fair?
A large part of the motivation of the Affordable Care Act is to provide insurance to those with pre-existing conditions. Under the law, insurance is offered to everyone at a price based on overall community risk, not the risk estimated by the insurance company based on a person's particular characteristics. That has been deemed "fair" by advocates of the law.
I wonder whether advocates of this view are concerned with other insurance markets. Teenage drivers pay a lot more for auto insurance. The old pay a lot more for life insurance. Life insurance companies require health screening before granting a policy. Is this a problem, or the natural and desirable functioning of markets?
In the law, having children has been deemed a pre-existing condition, although it is not quite described as such. Everyone is now expected to buy insurance to pay for pregnancy and maternity care, even those who never intend to have children. The goal is to spread the risk of childbirth among the larger community.
But having children is more a choice than a random act of nature. People who drive a new Porsche pay more for car insurance than those who drive an old Chevy. We consider that fair because which car you drive is a choice. Why isn't having children viewed in the same way?
I don't know the answer to these questions. But it does seem that fairness in health insurance pricing is being viewed very differently than fairness in pricing other types of insurance. I wonder why.
Those are some very interesting questions. Does anyone have any answers posed in the above blog post?
Trad climber
Nov 12, 2013 - 09:35am PT
Couchmaster posted and there are the 140,000 people who had their choice of insurance they had purchased cancelled by gov. fiat with no alternative.....they're still screwed of course.
Um...no they aren't? They just haven't been able to sign up through the exchange yet.
Social climber
So Cal
Nov 12, 2013 - 10:11am PT
Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Nov 12, 2013 - 10:24am PT
"Passing a law that TRIES to solve one problem, while inflicting pain, grief and MORE problems on millions of others is off the chart pathetic."
Ergo, not passing a law...or creating any kind of legislation to try and solve the #1 economic dilemma for US citizens...but instead starting wars that cost thousands of lives and cost trillion$....
that must be really pathetic.
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