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norm larson
wilson, wyoming
Jan 25, 2015 - 05:47am PT
steve shea
Jan 25, 2015 - 07:30am PT
I just happened to tune in after many days and I see my name.
Flip Flop it is obvious to me that you do not know how to ski. If you did you would realize that proper alpine technique is fluid and incorporates movement throughout the turn. If when you have tried it you feel locked in, that's your problem and you need enlightenment. There is a 'rest' phase in a properly executed turn and people who really know how to ski know and use the stacking... But wait a minute , you do not know what I am talking about so I won't waste my breath. While you suffer with every bullshit tele turn, you can wonder what might have been if you ever had put the work in and figured out how to ski.
As I said way back in this thread, I think. What chaps me is tele skiers thinking they are doing something more sporting or pure or difficult. If you think it is so then that is a dead give away that you do not know how to ski. I run into tele skiers that exude that superiority, as though they just did the Eiger in winter, while alpine skiers are working on their tans.
This my experience. And by the way I have telemark skied extensively and still do but on days off or rest days. I use pins and my old stuff. Pretty fun. New tele equipment, stiffer boots, more positive purchase bindings and short shaped wide skis have made tele a walk in the park. Skate skiing, now that is a challenge.
So in addition to not knowing what you are talking about skiing is not surfing or gnarly. Also, anecdotally is spelled like this. Also I do not have sore knees or back. Must be someone else. Leg blasters man! I like to go into ski season fit so I get full value. And remember, no one cares if you tele.
steve shea
Jan 25, 2015 - 07:46am PT
I know, I am out the door now to ski JH. Life is good here well over 200".
Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 25, 2015 - 11:27am PT
ha ha ha ^^^^^
Still skiing on the same 4-6 inches we have had since thanksgiving.
At least we can!
[Click to View YouTube Video]
Ride that damn lawn mower!........LOL.
Flip Flop
Trad climber
Truckee, CA
Jan 25, 2015 - 05:09pm PT
Wow. I'm just talking about my experience. And I ski too Buddy. I've been a ski bum at squaw for about 25 years. I'm sure that I'm not in the caliber of someone like you. You defensive little man.
Steve writes:
. I recently had a knee replacement and tried 130, too soft, I had to work more using the muscle groups from my low back to my feet bringing on fatigue I don't normally feel. So back to
I have a funny anectode. I met someone who said that Steve Shea is just like Rudy Garnschitt. Great skier. Total dick.
[Click to View YouTube Video]
Do you even surf?
Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 25, 2015 - 05:48pm PT
Mowing all that grass.....suffering every BS turn.....Yes ,I surfed,lived in cali for a few years......lot of suffering coming up with a BLIZZARD over here[hopefully].......lol.
Let's just ski.I am fully absorbed,in shape and after it,hope you all are as well.
Cheers,we all need that.
Mountain climber
Anchorage AK, Reno NV
Jan 25, 2015 - 08:07pm PT
Sounds like your area is about to get a nice storm. Enjoy some freshies for us over here in the dry Sierra.
east side underground
Hilton crk,ca
Jan 25, 2015 - 08:36pm PT
wilbeer don't surf..........(just kidding!) actually skied today ,first day since surgery gotta luv the turn even on the bullshit were calling snow......
norm larson
wilson, wyoming
Jan 26, 2015 - 04:40am PT
steve shea
Jan 26, 2015 - 06:35am PT
The report from yesterday. High 35F, PP, wind deposit and sunny. Eight trams. 8x4,139'=lots o' vertical. Nice day on the hill but we are starting to look for a storm.
My daughter finished on the first page in three consecutive SG's this weekend. U18/U16 Speed Series here in JH on a beautiful race surface and mostly clear. Hope everyone gets snow. Looks like NE will get it!
And FF if you look, those comments were about boot flex. You know, touch on snow, not pain. Have a great day.
Charlie D.
Trad climber
Western Slope, Tahoe Sierra
Jan 26, 2015 - 07:37am PT
Norm, I'll be in Jackson the week after next. I'll send you a PM.
steve shea
Jan 26, 2015 - 08:14am PT
The lift lines look huge at The Big, heh heh.
steve shea
Jan 26, 2015 - 08:39am PT
Do you know Cody Thompson? She used to work for Tom Cat in the repair shop. She skied for Team Breck, made the US Development Team, then quit alpine and made the US Tele Team. I picked her up for sponsorship while with Rossignol. Awesome skier she is! We had many great days at The Big. Now she is back to alpine mostly.
Do you know some my old climbing partners Larry Bruce and Molly Higgins? They live in WFMT.
Trad climber
South Pasadena, CA
Jan 26, 2015 - 08:48am PT
Norm is delivering the goods lately. Beautiful!
norm larson
wilson, wyoming
Jan 26, 2015 - 03:35pm PT
Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 26, 2015 - 03:41pm PT
You are killing me ,Norm......lol
Mountain climber
Anchorage AK, Reno NV
Jan 26, 2015 - 04:34pm PT
new nordic norm
east side underground
Hilton crk,ca
Jan 26, 2015 - 08:31pm PT
earn you turns on whatever lifts your skirt
Ice climber
Pomfert VT
Jan 27, 2015 - 02:46am PT
ok, where is the blizard everyone hyped up?
Gnome Ofthe Diabase
Out Of Bed
Jan 27, 2015 - 02:51am PT
I know right! but wait it is a long duration thing, I hope at this point the build up deserves a good pay off.
we shall see . . .
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