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Trad climber
Nov 13, 2013 - 04:49pm PT
That's why I give Obama credit. Even if his plan is a bad plan, it's way better than no plan.
This mentality is why we are in this mess. Blind faith in politicians and a political ideology is dangerous.
Boulder climber
Salt Lake, UT
Nov 13, 2013 - 04:53pm PT
I work in healthcare IT. At a fairly high level. Folks I work with are actively engaged in trying to fix the website. The website thing has been a debacle. No one would argue that.
The ACA itself has some pieces that almost everyone would agree are good. Some of the programs that move to outcome and risk based payments. I think almost everyone would also be supportive of trying to promote preventative medicine as opposed to expensive treatment.
The rub is in all the other other stuff. The insurance part, which is the most well known part, may not work for a variety of reasons. It was a compromise. Many Dems would rather have had single-payer. Many GOP would rather have had nothing. What we ended up with probably satisfied neither group, but that is the nature of our type of govt. If the website thing continues to flounder, it may doom the ACA as a whole. Which would be kind of a shame, as our system has problems, and every failure makes it harder to do anything to fix it.
Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Nov 13, 2013 - 04:53pm PT
Ever hear of the draft?
The only thing Republicans know about the draft is that they avoided it.
Tom Coburn's Patient's Choice Act
The health care system in America is broken. Costs are rising at an unacceptable rate—more than doubling over the last 10 years, which is nearly four times the rate of wage growth. Too many patients feel trapped by health care decisions dictated by insurers and HMOs. Too many doctors are torn between practicing medicine and practicing insurance. And some 47 million Americans worry what will happen to them or their children if they get sick.
As a physician, I am keenly aware that our country needs health care reform. I support comprehensive reform which would enable every American to enjoy health coverage, lower costs, increase patient choice, improve access and quality, and protect the patient-physician relationship.
Universal access to high quality health care is possible, and Americans are justified to expect it. We have the best doctors in the world…the best scientists in the world… the best hospitals in the world. Now America needs to build the best health care in the world. We need to empower patients, and reduce the power of government and insurance bureaucrats. Every American should be able to get the care they need.
Sounds good!
We will move closest to this goal when we promote the same innovation and competition in health care that we see in every other American industry...
Oh, oh.
...This proposal is a clear market-based reform that seeks to strengthen the relationship between the patient and the doctor.
Market-based? How's that been working out for us so far?
Among other items:
The Patients’ Choice Act transforms Medicaid by building upon the innovations we have seen in a number of states. My plan would integrates low-income families with dependent children into higher quality private plans through a tax credit and direct financial assistance.
So, we take a low cost government program, and turn it over to the insurance industry. I wonder how that will work out?
Trad climber
Fresno CA
Nov 13, 2013 - 04:57pm PT
One of my ironic hopes for the ACA is that its glaring faults may actually force the GOP to tackle the problems with our current health care system, rather than merely point out the imperfections in the ACA. I've posted my own preference many times, but I'm not a politician. I've also posted links to options offered by other conservatives. I wish my party would get behind something more than its apparent nihilism on the health care system.
Trad climber
Nov 13, 2013 - 05:07pm PT
Wait for it......
Bill Clinton : Health Care Czar
BillaryCare 2016
The party that steps forward to fix this mess will win the White House in 2016.
Will the Democrats turn on Obama and develop a workable plan or will the Repubs step to
the plate with a plan that can actually work for the betterment of the American people?
Love that the future of my family's healthcare in the hands of such competent people LOL
Wade Icey
Trad climber
Nov 13, 2013 - 05:13pm PT
Trad climber
Nov 13, 2013 - 05:23pm PT
These people are not competent?
Name someone who is.
Just one name.
Why is it so hard?
Gold Canyon, AZ
Nov 13, 2013 - 05:53pm PT
I certainly wanted Obamacare to fail.
A government that FORCES the people to buy something, then penalizes them if they don't?
That's not America.
Right, so we should collect roughly 8% additional federal income tax from everyone and fund a single-payer healthcare system from that. You know, like every other modern western democracy does. Except you would no doubt call that socialism--and also not American.
Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
Nov 13, 2013 - 06:07pm PT
Right, so we should collect roughly 8% additional federal income tax from everyone....
I'm curious why you would favor an income tax to fund it. I mean, doesn't increasing income taxes slow economic growth (in general)? Why not prefer some sort of consumption/activity tax, so that people are given choices about how their lifestyle will "contribute" to the costs/payments inherent in the system?
Trad climber
Nov 13, 2013 - 06:16pm PT
Wade Icey
Trad climber
Nov 13, 2013 - 06:30pm PT
How about we fund it with the 100's of billions of dollars we give to both foreign and domestic "aid" packages that are bankrupting us....and causing our citizens to suffer.
that's a pretty good idea..you mean like, the Defense budget, Corporate welfare, Farm Subsidies?
Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Nov 13, 2013 - 06:40pm PT
The dogs aren't eating the dog food.
106,000 signed up for Obamacare in the first month.
At that rate - assuming the country does not increase in population any - it'll take 240 years to sign up everybody.
The country isn't even 240 years old yet.
Nov 13, 2013 - 06:41pm PT
How about we create a law that will allow EVERYONE in the world access to the walls of El Cap via a grand series of escalators.
Sure, it will ruin the experience for us climbers...a token few....but then, EVERYONE will be able to go up that big wall and see it for themselves!
This mindset brought to you by Dave Kos, et al.
So your mentality is that if you cant pay your way then you should die a slow painful and humiliating death?
But the kicker is that it doesnt work out that way, you end up paying anyways...The American way hahahahahaha what is this the wild west...its 2013 if you hadnt noticed
The only reason why you can introduce yourself as an American without apologizing first is because of Obama
Trad climber
Nov 13, 2013 - 07:10pm PT
The only reason why you can introduce yourself as an American without apologizing first is because of Obama
LOL Stereotype much?
I thought South park did a good job summarizing what it means to be Canadian.
"We must blame them and cause a fuss
Before somebody thinks of blaming us!"
Social climber
So Cal
Nov 13, 2013 - 08:06pm PT
You have to pass the bill so you can see what's in it!
Nancy Pelosi
That's what we call a stool sample.
Unknown M.D.
Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Nov 13, 2013 - 08:08pm PT
Oregon signed up zero for Obamacare last month.
They're looking to double those numbers this month.
Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Nov 13, 2013 - 08:25pm PT
The Supreme Court says otherwise.
Ever hear of the draft?
Government has always forced people to do things. Sometimes very costly things.
But you are clearly a "fair weather" American. Loyal only when being an American suits your whim.
Quote Here
Mr. Koss... Please don't try and say just cause the SUPREME COURT says its OK...that will not make it RIGHT.
Or are you conveniently forgetting our nations history, where the supreme court got it wrong?
Dred Scott, remember that one?
Social climber
So Cal
Nov 13, 2013 - 08:27pm PT
Another Unaffordable Healthcare Tax add you paid for.
Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
Nov 13, 2013 - 09:27pm PT
The Supreme Court says Obamacare is a tax. And taxes are legal, and very much American.
Well, really, the most important thing to come out of that decision was....
"If government can do this, then what can government not do?"
Answer (ironically, by the Bush appointee): "Yes, government can do anything."
And that, my friends, means tyranny.
Social climber
So Cal
Nov 13, 2013 - 09:33pm PT
SuperTopo on the Web