woodson shindig, april 28th


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Social climber
Joshua Tree, CA
Apr 23, 2007 - 02:01am PT
Hey Bubs...Any word yet from Ron?

Social climber
flagstaff arizona
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 23, 2007 - 12:12pm PT
nada. you've got his # number, right? giveim' a ringaling.

San Diego, CA
Apr 23, 2007 - 04:53pm PT
I've recently discovered Mt Woodson after being away from climbing for a few years. I grew up here in San Diego and never made it up there. I must say, after only a few days of climbing (and getting my butt kicked) I'm absolutely stoked about what Woodson has to offer.

I'd love to be there on the 28th, if this is an "open" invitation. It would be great to meet you all, especially those that really pioneered the area.

San Diego
Apr 23, 2007 - 05:03pm PT
Please see the post party info thread:


right here, right now
Apr 23, 2007 - 05:55pm PT
...just now coming up for air following the Sushifest and in LA, greasin' the ramp for drop down into San Diego.


right here, right now
Apr 23, 2007 - 06:05pm PT
The List, Once Again:

The Dominatrix (must ditch sckool to attend)
Salad (Graciously hosting the evening BBQ)
L (maybe)
T*R (quite likely)
Matisse (with a porter)
Robs Muir
F10 Climber F11 Drinker
Adrian Almadovar (maybe)
Tom Scott
Ron Amick (still no word)
Crimpie (unable to make it)(but highly interested)
Diablo (Jeff Almadovar)
Watusi (confirmed: couldn't do it without him -one of the original woodsonites)
Jeff Leads
RBolton (definitely) (but watch yer backside)
G_Gnome (absolutely) (but not on the same side of any boulder w/Bolton)
Mike Waugh (The Gran Wazoo)
Clustiere (maybe)
Mungeclimber (definitely in, plus anyone who needs a ride from Bay Area))
Todd Gordon
Crotch (a firm maybe)
Raydog (can't make it, but a must have for the list)
Greg Epperson (???)
Mooser (sadly for us, not going but really wishes he was)
Tahoe climber
Guyman (likely)
James & Undisclosed Itinerant Strongman(it's looking like they might do it)
Phantom X (might)
Todd Batey (will try)
Dr Shockley
Dan Curly (maybe)
Brunosafari (maybe, but Phantom X says he's afraid of lizards)
Tom Gibson (likely)
Vogel (very likely)
Off White (damn straight)
Tarbuster (darn tootin' & knackered like from the battle of Shilo)
Mike. & Wife
Squid (with liver)
Crusher & Companion

Any new takers?
Bolton has no doubt been been rounding up errant Stonemasters...

San Diego, CA
Apr 23, 2007 - 06:14pm PT
You can add me to the list.

right here, right now
Apr 23, 2007 - 06:29pm PT
right oh!
got it Fedge.

Social climber
Joshua Tree, CA
Apr 23, 2007 - 06:38pm PT
I keep tryin' Ron Amick but to no avail...will try this eve.

Social climber
flagstaff arizona
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 23, 2007 - 06:41pm PT
hey mike, fire me an email wit yer digits, mmmkay? we need to coordinate the sandbaggotry.

also....is there anybody out there who actually needs directions????

Social climber
flagstaff arizona
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 23, 2007 - 11:24pm PT
directions robbed from some random hiking club site.



A popular area for rock climbers, runners, and hikers who enjoy an uphill workout. Be sure to bring plenty of water and snacks.


The trail begins moving south through oak forest parallel to CA 67, where the car sounds quickly begin dissolving, filtered away behind joyful birdsong and the gentle rustle of wind in the leaves. At approximately 0.1 mile, you'll come to the asphalt route which bears left then back to the right then left again. You'll notice a home, fenced off on the left. Pass by as the road gradually grows steeper. The road is framed with a lizard's paradise of smooth, pale-sided boulders perfect for sunning on.

About halfway up the road (0.9 miles), the view opens to the south, but curves back to afford the northeastern views. All along the road, boulders pile upon boulders. The pale granodiorite surfaces area smoothened by exposure to weather, forming curved shapes within which a good imagination can see a primitive cityscape or animals like the tortoise rock that appears to sleep in the sun near the top. Manzanita finds life within the great rocks, rising from cracks where the boulders have split apart.

When you reach the crest of the mountain, you can continue forward to a small eastern lookout point amid the shade of pines. Or, take the asphalt road as it begins to descend through a maze of towering communication antennas. Just past the last antenna tower, some big flat boulders provide the perfect picnic spot with the views of Poway to the southwest.




DIFFICULTY: Moderate (uphill)

SCENERY: Huge boulders and odd rock formations

EXPOSURE: Mostly sunny

TRAIL SURFACE: Earthen path, asphalt

HIKING TIME: 2.25 hours


SPECIAL COMMENTS: The continuous uphill cadence with a gain of close to 1,200 feet in elevation.


Take I-15 to the Poway Road exit and drive east until Poway Road runs into CA 67. Turn left and drive on CA 67 for approximately 3 miles. Watch for the fire station on the left. You'll also see a marker sign for Mount Woodson. When safe, make a U-turn and drive back to park on the southbound shoulder of CA 67, near the marker sign. We'll meet at 10:00 AM. Also, please print out the directions.

Trad climber
Apr 24, 2007 - 10:40am PT
just in,

some pics!!

Paul on Jaws - Eppi photo
gotta be one of the best pics of that climb I've seen

Paul on Drivin' South - Eppi photo
looks kinda tame - go for it - rope not required

have fun!!!!

Trad climber
Golden, CO
Apr 24, 2007 - 10:42am PT
Wow. great pics.

Apr 24, 2007 - 01:46pm PT
parking area to warm up boulders


Trad climber
one pass away from the big ditch
Apr 24, 2007 - 05:33pm PT
very cool link Crotch

scuffy b

The town that Nature forgot to hate
Apr 24, 2007 - 08:34pm PT
Thanx for the directions. I'll be lugging along some dinosaur
shoes for photo opportunities, as I'm sure there will be cameras
around. No Black Beauties, but mint Spiders (can you say STIFF?)
and various klettershuhe. It's possible some of the Kronies have
already climbed at Woodson, though not on my feet.

Social climber
flagstaff arizona
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 24, 2007 - 09:24pm PT
so siked right now.


Apr 24, 2007 - 09:44pm PT
I'm leaving the Fires and the Whillans at home. However, since I'm in the Not Very Brave and Kinda Ricketty category, the porter will have a couple of "woodson ropes" and a rack. I'm assuming some of the other mortals will be doing the same.

Crotch will your young lovely be able to extract herself from the hospital long enough to join us?

Mountain climber
San Diego
Apr 24, 2007 - 09:49pm PT
I think to really get the feel of the ol days gone by, we should all show up in EBs. Come on guys and gals, pull them out of deep storage from your equipment archives and bring them for the real reunion feel.

And no resole jobs on the EBs. Gots to be the original french teflon rubber. Swweeeeeeeeeeeeet. Yea, that's the ticket.

Edit: I will be bringing a rope. bvb et al can solo, highball all they want. I will rope up. I love my life and legs unbroken. (I will solo only what I have dialed, and since that isn't much, not much to worry about). Many Woodson solos are serious business. Ok, solo, highball pad people we can all get along. Cords or cordless, its all climbing.

Trad climber
Boulder Colorado
Apr 24, 2007 - 09:54pm PT
I'm leaving the hob-nails, sledge hammer, soft steel eye bolts and covered wagon at home. However, since I'm in the fully retired leisure-baron category, I'll be sitting here in my easy chair awaiting the thread. I assume other mortals will do the same.

R. Dog
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