Video of Missile Hitting the Pentagon?


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Gym climber
Sep 3, 2011 - 05:26pm PT
Us who seek the Truth behind the attacks of 9-11, we've been called kooks, crazy, have been told we have our heads up our asses, and worse. Those with first-hand accounts that contradict the Official Story are spit upon and their characters assassinated. This is all as can be expected and is, in fact, predicted.

However, when the Truth Seekers are said to denigrate the ones whose lives were taken on that day, well, that's a just a bridge too far.

Everybody who stands for democracy and the fight of good over evil should want to see those who are responsible for the attacks to be exposed and be held accountable. Not just to get revenge for our anger over the attacks, but also to honor the ones whose lives were changed forever by that day. To let the perpetrators go without accountability is irresponsible and is the act that denigrates the lives that were taken on that day.

The Believers feel strongly that they know the perps of 9-11. Immediately after the attacks, our news organizations and official investigative agencies told us steadfastly that it was Al Quieda, and more precisely, a group of 19 hijackers who carried out the events of that day. Immediately, the "facts" were put forth, and we ate them up as if we were at an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast. And our response to the findings was swift, direct, and strong.

The call for an investigation into the events was delayed for years. Why should we waste our time (and money) looking into these things, we already knew what happened. Sure, there were weaknesses in our intelligence branches, and we knew of the obvious gaps in our agencies ability to link the dots. People dropped the ball. We know that, why all the fuss to do an investigation to find out what we already knew?

But, to satisfy the people's growing need to find out exactly what went wrong, the 9-11 Commission was formed. And Lo!, they concluded just what we knew and believed all along. 19 hijackers. No more, no less.

However, as time passed and people had a chance to review the commission's findings, cracks in the story started to appear. It was clear, key evidence was ignored and buried. Implausible reasons were cited for every turn in the story and unbelievable accounts were taken as truth for just about every action that was, or was not, taken.

Although it has been shown that the models which "proved" how the Twin Towers fell were rigged, it was found to be even stranger that WTC Building 7 was missing altogether from the 9-11 Commission Report. Curious, a 47 story WTC building collapsed on that day, but the commission didn't find it important enough to include in its report.

The outcry for this omission was met by the Gov't assigning to FEMA the task to investigate. When FEMA couldn't supply a solution that fit with the Official Story, NIST was given the job, where upon they concluded "small office fires" caused the collapse. No causation from the building's damage from falling WTC Tower, no mention of the diesel gas tank. Small fires was the total cause of simultaneous failure of the entire building.

So implausible was the findings in the NIST report that the Believers went out on their own to solve the mystery. Several anonymous web sites appeared with detailed analysis and explanations of how the building collapsed, and of course none of these explanations had anything to do with explosives (the most easily-explained reason for the downfall of the building).

And here lies the point of my essay: So eager are the Believers to take the Official Story and run with it, that they themselves deny the Official Story in an attempt to explain how the Official Story is true and just. So steadfast is their need to believe the story told to us by the media and the Gov't that they don't see the hypocrisy in citing contradictions to the Official Story in an attempt to prove it correct.

So steadfast is their need to believe the story told to us by the media and the Gov't that they don't see the hypocrisy in citing contradictions to the Official Story in an attempt to prove it correct.

Hundreds of reputable and reliable witnesses have been silenced, ignored, and castigated. Testimony under oath by a senior official in the administration was left to wither without further discussion. The Believers will quickly back up miracle after miracle, and at the same time turn a blind eye to the many suspicious behaviors of those with the power to obfuscate the truth. Yet there is no outcry, because the Believers know what happened, the news agencies and Gov't reports told them so.

So call us Truth Seekers kooks, idiots, asshats, whatever. But realize that it is the Believers who dishonor those killed on 9-11 by letting stand the lies and cover-ups contained in the Official Story.

Sep 3, 2011 - 05:45pm PT
Tami, NIST has an extensive report on WTC 7. They studied it much deeper then the 9/11 commission could possibly have done.

Gym climber
Sep 3, 2011 - 05:52pm PT
But it was hit by a collapsing 100+ story highrise.

It's embarrassing to know so much.
-- monolith

Yes, the NIST report was so well done, that even you contradict it, mono.

Thank you for stepping up and bolstering my POV.

Sep 3, 2011 - 05:54pm PT
Really, K-Man, wtc7 was not hit by a skyscraper?

I didn't know NIST said it was not hit.

Gym climber
Sep 3, 2011 - 05:56pm PT
Sure it was hit mono, but the NIST report said that the hit had nothing to do with the building's collapse. So you saying that the damage resulting from the hit was part of the reason why the building fell is contrary to the Official Story.

Bingo, +1 for our team.

Sep 3, 2011 - 05:57pm PT
How do you think it caught on fire K-Man?

Burning debris from a collapsing burning skyscraper.

Gym climber
Sep 3, 2011 - 05:59pm PT
Look dude, Warbler said the building was not hit by a plane.

You countered that instead it was hit by part of a falling building.

Why did you say that? From what I see, it was to counter the fact that WTC 7 was not hit by a plane.

Oh forget it, if you deny this exchange, why should I bother ever listening to what you have to say? DENY DENY DENY. Sorry pal, not a good argument.

Gym climber
Sep 3, 2011 - 06:02pm PT
So steadfast is their need to believe the story told to us by the media and the Gov't that they don't see the hypocrisy in citing contradictions to the Official Story in an attempt to prove it correct.

Now they are using Wikipedia to show the Story is correct and true.

Why not just use the Official Story and stop with the contradictions to that story?

Because you know the Official Story cannot hold water.

Sep 3, 2011 - 06:06pm PT
Warbler was implying nothing happened to WTC 7. Sorry I wasn't specific enough. All you had to do was ask K-Man.

All the wtc buildings would have stood without fire damage. I thought that was obvious.

Gym climber
Sep 3, 2011 - 06:08pm PT
Warbler was implying nothing happened to WTC 7.

You gotta be kidding me, right?

Sep 3, 2011 - 06:08pm PT
Yep, he said it wasn't hit by an airplane.

Gym climber
Sep 3, 2011 - 06:14pm PT
Look folks, I took the time to think about and reason through what I wrote.

Perhaps you should do the same, because what's you're coming up with is crackpot.


Yes Ron, I watched it for days. The most unbelievable things were happening.
A sad day, any way you look at it.

Sep 3, 2011 - 06:18pm PT
And I said the steel only portion of the Madrid building collapsed to the firewall floor due to fire alone.

Do ya think I don't know that the NIST report said WTC 7 came down by fire.

It stood for 7 hours boys. Didn't ya know that?

Trad climber
Sep 3, 2011 - 06:25pm PT

Those with first hand accounts which contradict K-man are totally ignored... anything to say to jbaker yet K-man? Like maybe an apology?

Still haven't seen those first hand accounts of the missile yet by the way.

Sep 3, 2011 - 06:27pm PT
Read the NIST report. You will find the fires were more extensive and involved critical sections of the building.

Not all skyscrapers have the same architecture.

The Madrid building had a concrete core and a few firewall/strength floors which helped hold up the steel only portion. No wonder it burned so long. The WTC's did not.

And don't forget, the Madrid building fire pics are at night, while WTC 7 pics are during the day.

Now back to work for me.

Mountain climber
Anchorage AK, Reno NV
Sep 3, 2011 - 06:43pm PT
Can't beleive I am wasting my time with this.

But here we go.......

Warning this sh#t is gonna get graphic.

You are all climbers, some of you have worked on aircraft body recovery efforts.

Idiocy is not only annoying it is insulting to those who lost their lives.

Engine Rotor

This video fits in well for more information on Jet engine rotors

BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!! (considered making this appear on thread but that would be incredibly rude)

And for good measure.

Buzz makes the perfect reply to stupid conspiracy theorists.
John Moosie

Beautiful California
Sep 3, 2011 - 07:09pm PT
Climbski... were the corpses identified as coming from people on the plane, or people in the building? Not trying to argue, just asking.

Gym climber
Sep 3, 2011 - 07:35pm PT
Jaytee, please tell me where I ignore the eye witnesses who claim they say a plane hit the
Pentagon, and why I should apologize to jbaker. Also, please show me where I said a
missile hit the Pentagon, as you imply by saying "Still haven't seen those first hand
accounts of the missile yet by the way."

So until you can provide something to back up your claims against me,
shut up when you talk to me.

Mountain climber
Anchorage AK, Reno NV
Sep 3, 2011 - 07:41pm PT
The first corpse photo is very clearly within Flight 77s debris. Others who have worked aircraft crashes should be able to verify.

However if you look at the riveted aluminum peice to the left of the left arm in the first photo .. it should be self evident to any interested even slightly informed party.

The moussaoui exhibits (cross refference photo notations to prosecution phase 2 trial exhibits.)

P200054 Is very worthwhile flash file download. (open by dragging to browser)
John Moosie

Beautiful California
Sep 3, 2011 - 07:42pm PT
Seems like if you ask a question about any of it, then they think you believe all of the theories out there.

Still want the government to test for explosives, or at least offer an explanation concerning the report of thermite being found. If someone posted that already, then I apologize. Could you repost as I must have missed it.

The Nist report says specifically that the government did not test for explosives.
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