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Topic Author's Reply - Sep 4, 2011 - 08:31pm PT
TGT -- " ... the true believers, "
More disinfo by warped views of the world.
Whether one takes to the views of the 911 commission, FEMA, or NIST reports or independent of them, the end aim is the truth.
Thus they all fall under the truther label.
You're all wacked ......
K-Man, link us to some video/audio of these explosions.
Mountain climber
So. California
Glad this Klimmer dude wasn't around when Charlie Manson was looking for recruits to start a race war that would leave him in power.
Crazy guy sounds like he'd believe anything.
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 4, 2011 - 09:44pm PT
So do you Betelnut.
You believe anything your mind tells you while it runs amok and you need to project it onto klimmer.
You have no control over your run away mind ......
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 4, 2011 - 09:55pm PT
already proven beyond a doubt
You're dreaming again ......
Gym climber
mono, the sounds of the explosions are in the 9-11 videos/movies that show live action of the first responders. I'm certain you can find them yourself if you are interested.
There are already many videos in this thread of the first responders saying they witnessed explosions in the lobbies and basements of the buildings. What good is one more video going to do--The Believers have already denied everything that goes against their strong beliefs, and the videos with the explosions would be just one more thing they they would find a way to deny.
Riley says to take an objective look at what happened. Objectivity does not include ignoring the parts of the story that you don't want to hear or believe.
Dr. F., ever looked up the models that they used to "prove" how the planes caused the Towers to collapse the way they did? It's pretty interesting how they rigged that one.
And if you believe that office fires brought down 7 WTC, then you might as well believe the whole Official Story, miracles and all.
Really, K-Man, you won't give us a link?
A lot of noise was heard, I just want to know which ones you guys claim are explosives going off.
Don't you want to help us find the truth?
Gym climber
Hey monolith, are you telling me you're too dense to find the links yourself, even with all the help I've already given you? What, you can't look up the films on 9-11? A simple Google search would do it, even a child could show you.
But I'll make a deal, I'll find the link for you, but first you have to explain to me why you don't believe all the links of the first responders talking about multiple explosions. (And BTW, I am not going to repost those links, if you claim you can't find them.)
And I don't buy the "elevators falling" hype. I'd like to see you tell that to the fire fighter with the bloody nose, face to face. I could just see it: "Hey buddy, that wasn't an explosion you saw first hand, it was an elevator falling."
Hahahahaha, that would be great. He lost buddies to those explosions, and you telling that guy that it was just an elevator, I'd love to see it.
I can't find any that sound like explosions that are intent on bringing buildings down.
Since you are an expert, I thought you could help me out.
Gym climber
mono, It's going to be tough helping you out if you can't comprehend what you read. Please reread my last post.
I guess we are not going to get any more info on these explosions.
Gym climber
I guess we're not going to get a more clear case of somebody refusing to believe the facts presented to them.
It would be nice to see(hear) the evidence of the facts.
It was one of the most recorded events in history. Why won't you provide us with the audio for these explosions?
Gym climber
mono, why don't you answer my question? It should be a softball.
First hand reports from the eye witnesses. It's not my fault if that evidence is not good enough for you.
Still, I showed you were you could find the sound recordings of the explosions (hint: watch Loose Change). I can't help it if you're too lazy to do a little research on your own.
And please stop patronizing me. It belittles you.
Mountain climber
So. California
Werner, to be honest I don't know what the hell you're even talking about.
Why don't you quit talking in code and just come out with it, man.
What do you believe?
What do you think happened?
Try speaking in plain English instead of hiding behind hyperbole.
Gym climber
Riley, yes, sh#t did go down. My problem is that I'd like there to be a real investigation to find out exactly what sh#t did go down.
I see that you, like many, have looked at a boat-load of material. At a certain point, you say "Yep, I'm satisfied," and move on. Or not.
You tend to trivialize the Truthers, saying "2 people did test and found chemical thermite traces," when in fact, there was a group of scientists who did the testing. There were more than two firefighters who heard explosions. Many folks heard them, many, many accounts. You can find them in many films, videos, and web sites.
You boldly state "They didn't test for explosives because there were no.explosives," yet how can you possibly know this? And that's a serious question I ask of you.
Why test for explosives? Well, of course, my man, to see if there's any residue of them. How telling that they refused to test for explosives when that is by far the easiest way to explain how those towers fell. What types? The types that would be used to bring down a building, of course.
Here's an interesting video that debunks the "paint" theory. The chemist uses NIST's own findings to show that the paint theory is poppycock.
Nano-Thermite explosions in dust at WTC 7
Watch this closely, it is very reputable, and you will find out things that overrule your preconceived ideas about this.
I don't know what happened, of course. But, if all the suspicious activities leading up to 9-11, and the sh#t that went down that day and after, turn out to be part of a conspiracy, then think about it--the people that pulled it off have huge resources to blur any "facts" that are reported.
There are still many unanswered questions, things that Believers gloss over because they really don't have any explanation for them. Many people are satisfied, for a couple of reasons. First, they don't want to think about it anymore and, second, they don't want to think about what it would mean if the fishy things that did occur were planned. Or, they flat out don't believe that anything was fishy--they bought the Official Story from the word Go because their Gov't would never lie to them.
But Lo!, many of the "facts" that they hold in their hands have been thoroughly debunked by engineers and scientists.
Think hard about it: small office fires for 7 WTC. Do you really believe that??
Well I guess you have to, because to think otherwise would splinter the one-way mirror that your are looking through. The mirror that refuses to accept anything that goes against what you know to be "true."
Peace, out.
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 5, 2011 - 11:29am PT
NIST, FEMA, and 911 commission reports are all theories and hypothesis.
The are all incomplete full of distortions and tons of omissions.
Completely unscientific.
Yet you all worship the scientific method and lap up this mirage of bullsh'it .......
"Loose Change" which version? The one that said a B52 crashed into the Empire State Building?
Gym climber
Ron, in this thread, every time somebody comes up with something that goes against the "credible" 9-11 Commission, the Believers brush it off by character assassination.
Every time.
The fire fighters--the news men--international scientists.
Yet you, for some silly reason, think the 9-11 Commission is credible, when it has be shown plain-as-day that they were as corrupt as you can imagine.
Over to you, Jenny.
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