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Gym climber
Hey mono, you figured out yet how those folks who were in the buildings when the explosions went off, how they got out before being crushed by the buildings? You know, you claim that the explosions were caused by the falling buildings.
Man, all those firefighters and office workers, fast runners, no?
Why, they must run as fast as you think...
Social climber
So Cal
Thermite is a WELDING process NOT a cutting process.
You ever light any off ?
It's a common process for us sparkys for bonding grounding cables. (CADWELD). It's also used in the railroad industry for emergency welding of rails together.
If you did a little research on it's military applications you'd know it is used for electric matches, a demolliton charge that welds up gun barrels, and as a propellant, NOT as a cutting charge.
That's what a PETN linear shaped charge is for.
Now that you have all your eggs in the "thermite" basket, where's your evidence for PETN?
You've got to be kidding Klimmer.
K-Man doesn't sound like he felt threatened.
K-Man, produce the audio of those bombs pulvarizing the building during collapse and we'll talk.
And please explain the purpose of bombs in the basement. Klimmer is too embarrassed to tell us.
Social climber
So Cal
Ever light off any thermite Klimmer?
What happens?
Gym climber
Thanks Riley.
Is it rubbish that the fires were officially extinguished at WTC Dec 20, 2001? Rubbish that the surface temperature of the mound at Ground Zero was 720C three days after the event, even after heavy rains? Rubbish that they found molten steel at Ground Zero?
What part of the video is complete rubbish?
All the folks who say they saw/heard explosions, liars or just stoolies for the Truth Movement? The firefighter who explains how boldly NIST lied and how they ignored the basic guidelines for investigating fires, just a liar himself?
Yeah, I guess it's all just fabricated rubbish.
Mountain climber
San Diego
If you watch the videos I've posted showing Dr. Jones regarding Thermite, Thermate, and nano-thermite, you would know they don't exactly have the same reactivity. He explains it very well.
Nano-thermite is explosive. Look at the quote regarding the patent that I posted.
I've seen thermate demoed in science lab. I haven't done it myself. Easy to do though. The materials for Thermate are widely available.
Videos I've posted show the classic demo with thermate in a small clay-ceramic pot placed on the engine hood of a car, then ignited and it melts its way from top to the ground right through the engine block in just a few seconds.
Gym climber
K-Man, produce the audio of those bombs pulvarizing the building during collapse and we'll talk.
Wow, that was easy. mono isn't going to talk to me anymore. What a delight.
Gym climber
Klimmer, not only that, but somebody posted an excellent video showing termite cutting steel, in his backyard.
But this is getting nowhere fast. Nobody has debunked any of the serious flaws we've listed in the OCT, they just keep throwing up BS, as in "show me this, so I can deny it exists."
Why I keep posting, I have to look into that.
I guess no one wants to explain the purpose of bombs in the basement.
Social climber
So Cal
Dr,. Jones doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.
Have you ever lit off some thermite Klimmer?
What happens?
You get a blob of molten metal that then follows the laws of gravity and thermodynamics. How do you cut a vertical column with molten metal that descends vertically? Does gravity work horizontally in your alternate universe?
there's NO literature anywhere about nanothermites being used for anything other than electric matches and propellants. It's also exquisitely sensitive to static charges. How did they make sure someone sliding across a rug didn't set it off prematurely?
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 5, 2011 - 10:56pm PT
All the strawman scarecrows came out of the woodworks today .......
Mountain climber
San Diego
And please explain the purpose of bombs in the basement. Klimmer is too embarrassed to tell us.
Why? Are you too lazy to check it out for yourself?
William Rodriguez already has and so have others. They give their best hypotheses.
Listen . . .
William Rodriguez 9 11 Hero says there were bombs planted in the basement of the WTC's!
Please explain it to us Klimmer.
You seem to have issues with spontaneous composition of ideas and can only cut and paste. Practice on us.
Particularly the part where the NWO has already implicated Islamic Jihadists with suicide hijackings, yet is pushing for something more, even though bombs in the basement would tend to implicate the NWO.
Mountain climber
San Diego
Dr,. Jones doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.
Have you ever lit off some thermite Klimmer?
What happens?
You get a blob of molten metal that then follows the laws of gravity and thermodynamics.
there's NO literature anywhere about nanothermites being used for anything other than electric matches and propellants. It's also exquisitely sensitive to static charges. How did they make sure someone sliding across a rug didn't set it off prematurely?
Didn't I just answer that question. TGT do you ever read anything? Where is your reading comprehension?
You don't know what you are talking about. Even the patent describes how it can be ignited: mechanical stimuli, lazer, and electrical energy. It doesn't specifically say electrical energy of such low fractions of an amp such as static charge.
So you have experience with weapon grade nano-thermite I take it? HHHHhhhhhhhhhhmmmmm, interesting.
Nano-Thermite explosions in dust at WTC 7
Nano-Thermite explosions in dust at WTC 7 (part 2)
A team of nine scientists have unearthed startling data from dust gathered in the days and weeks after the World Trade Center towers collapsed on 9/11. They discovered that scattered throughout the dust samples were red and gray chips of active thermitic material, or an un-reacted pyrotechnic explosive.
Thermite is used in steel welding, fireworks shows, and hand grenades. It is the combination of a metal powder and a metal oxide which produce a reaction known for extremely high temperatures focused in a very small area for a short period of time. The active thermitic material discovered in the World Trade Center dust was a combination of elemental aluminum and iron oxide, and is a form of thermite known as nano-structured super-thermite.
Nano-laminate-based ignitors
United States Patent Application 20040060625
Attorney, Agent or Firm:
Assistant Laboratory, Counsel Ann Lee M. (Lawrence Livemore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, 94551, US)
The invention claimed is:
1. A composition comprising: an energetic multilayer structure coated with an energetic booster material.
2. The composition recited in claim 1, wherein said composition is ignitable by mechanical stimuli.
3. The composition recited in claim 1, wherein said composition is ignitable by electrical energy.
4. The composition recited in claim 1, wherein said composition is ignitable by a laser.
5. The composition recited in claim 1, wherein said composition has an area ranging from 10−2 m2 to 102 m2.
6. The composition recited in claim 1, wherein said energetic booster material comprises an intimate mixture of at least one oxidizer(s) and at least one fuel, wherein at least one of the critical dimensions (length, height, width) of at least one of the constituents is less than 100 nm and at least one of the components of the energetic materials was derived via sol-gel methods.
An overview of the scientific paper . . .
Explosives Found in
World Trade Center Dust
Scientists Discover Both Residues
And Unignited Fragments
Of Nano-Engineered Thermitic Pyrotechnics
In Debris From the Twin Towers
Jim Hoffman
Version 1.00, April 3, 2009
Mountain climber
So. California
OMG, the mythology of the extremist, Truther Lunatic Fringe is endless!
Klimmer, you need professional help. Get weaned off the Conspiracy Industry and become a productive member of society.
Gym climber
Riley, the first premise in the essay you posted is flawed. A big fat lie occurs in the second sentence:
Many people interpreted the loud sounds and debris being projected out sideways during the Tower collapses as an indication that explosives were used to demolish the buildings. Most of these 'explosive' sounds, heard during the collapses were heard after the collapses began.
Because this story begins with a big fat lie, I didn't read any more. Why bother when the second sentence is a blatant lie? I reason that what follows must assume that you swallowed the original lie.
Did you swallow it?
How about this: If you review the video of people reporting explosions, you will see that most were IN THE BUILDINGS when they heard/saw the explosions.
If these explosive sounds were heard during the collapse of the buildings, I put forth that none of these people would be alive to tell their story.
I posted two links above: one is a firefighter giving details on the national standard guidelines for investigating fires. It shows that NIST did not follow the national standard procedure when investigating the collapse of the WTC buildings.
Care to comment on that, and on why you think it's OK that NIST did not test for explosives? Especially considering that the national standard guidelines for investigating fires says that you are to rule out fires if pulverized concrete is found. Where pulverized concrete is found, you are to instead concentrate on looking for evidence that explosives were used.
I find that odd, or telling. Don't you?
Notice any pulverized concrete at WTC? Heck, I sure do! Even the NY Governor talks about the thickness of the stuff.
Of course, NIST gave the explanation that because nobody reported explosions, that they didn't test for explosives. That's why I also posted the second link, it shows many people talking about their first-hand experience with explosions.
I conclude that the NIST report begins with a lie. And you already know how I feel about stories that begin with lies.
Anybody care to comment?
EDIT: Here's the links again, in case you care:
The Day The Illuminati Pushed Their Luck To Far..
9/11: Total Proof That Bombs Were Planted In The Buildings!
raymond phule
Notice any pulverized concrete at WTC? Heck, I sure do! Even the NY Governor talks about the thickness of the stuff!
So what is the reason why pulverized concrete shouldn't exist at WTC? What is supposed to happen with concrete when a building fall over it self?
Gym climber
raymond. I will say this slowly, perhaps you can understand.
The national standard guidelines for investigating fires (understand what this means?)
If pulverized concrete is present, test for explosives.
Got it?
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