Doug from Hobart
Trad climber
Did this with my wife a few years back as our first route in Black Velvet Canyon. I'd been wanting to do PoD for years after reading an article in an old Climbing mag. She thought that PoD might be a bit too sustained for our first outing on this sort of route so we compromised with YBR. Loved it. Although the trad is limited to the first two pitches, the finger crack on the second pitch is a ripper and the main reason we opted for YBR over DoWT. Highly recommended if you want to do a long bolted route at about this grade with a bit of trad to start you off. Sure hope to get back to Black Velvet Canyon someday ...
Trad climber
Las Vegas, NV
eh, DoWT is better- more gear to place. YBR is a clip up for the most part- you only use gear for the first 50' of it.
this is mostly crimpy sport climbing a la PoD- complete with hanging belays- so, if you like that sort of thing...
Big Wall climber
Las Vegas, NV
I was wondering if anybody had linked The gobbler with Yellow Brick Road via the third pitch traverse of Dream of wild turkeys.
Chris McNamara
SuperTopo staff member
The American Safe Climbing Assn. may have replaced anchor bolts on this climb. To find out visit the ASCA Replacement Page
The ASCA is a non-profit organization dedicated to replacing unsafe anchors. To learn about helping the ASCA click here
Matt M
Trad climber
Alamo City
Climbed on 3.28.03 - Great fun. Canyon is still butt cold right now so bring warm clothes! Started up around 1pm with a party just starting up Prince o' D. P2 will wake you up if you didn't warm up (again - it was COLD) because of its slant and slaby feel. Also, topo had P2 @ 120' - I'd say more like 150'. Head straight up and enjoy! If you've climbed Amazing Face @ Mt Diablo, the climbing is sorta like that except with MUCH BETTER Rock. The holds made me grin the whole way up.
Use double ropes - much less of a hassle than trailing a second line. The party on POD did this and the rope was at the mercy of the wind - Felt bad for the second hauling that beast.
We rapped down POD with 2 50m doubles - Not sure about rapping off P2 of Yellow Brick anchors since it slants so much so heads up if you try it!
Will be back again to finsih off POD and the rest in BV Canyon
Yellow Brick Road is a two-pitch variation to Dream of Wild Turkeys.Photo: Greg Barnes
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