Josh P
Big Wall climber
Santa Cruz
Does anyone have any beta on the alternate descent off the Leaning Tower? The one that crosses Bridalveil Creek. With this big storm coming we are thinking about switching from a Nose climb to Wet Denim to stay dry, but that descent gully seems like it would turn into horrendous waterfall with big rocks coming down it.
Or any alternate descent for that matter.
Thank yeh...
Big Wall climber
On P1 at the C1F section from the bat hook or knifeblade you have to lean WAY out and get an OK horizontal green-yellow offset alien. Your feet will go into space as to commit to this cam, which is a little freaky. From there it is a black or blue alien to regain C1 happiness, then bolts. The offset alien will not inspire confidence. Heck, the knifeblade was super flexy all on its own...
One time a bailer had left his alien there and I was able to just barely clip it from the last bolt, but that is a whole other story...
P3 is the crux in my opinion as well, worse when there are no heads, but still doable. P5 has more tricky moves to figure out, but fewer sketchy placements in a row.
max kruzic
Big Wall climber
Bishop, CA
jrc - awesome you guys got back at it. I was the soloist above you and hope everything turned out ok with your climbing partner's medical issue. I ended up topping out to the helicopters getting retardant on my rope from the fire... To clarify, I wasn't suggesting any of you guys bail on the original attempt just wanted to relay that the section was still very climbable having done it that morning and that the bolt ladder pitch is one of the easiest on route. I think pitch 3 is the crux personally. Glad you guys had a good time on round two!
Trad climber
Bay Area, Ca
The party in front of us a few weeks ago ran into the same problem. They got stuck after taking a couple falls trying to figure out how to get past the bulge. When it became clear they were going to be taking a while and maybe some key fixed gear had pulled, I jugged the fixed line to the left of the route (a free variation by-pass?). When I got to the top of SuperTopo pitch 2 a soloist above me said that was the easiest pitch on the route and they better bail if they couldn't get around the bulge. They bailed, and so did we after my partner developed some medical issues while jugging to ST belay #2. My curiosity was peaked, however, and with the soloist above me exclaiming how great super topo pitches 3 and 4 were, I couldn't wait to come back and try the bulge and get on pitches 3 and 4.
Finally got back on it this past weekend and lead every pitch. The bulge on pitch one was surprisingly easily passed with a medium size beak. This made me really happy! I believe there was a section on 3 or 4 where I used the medium beak again twice and distinctly remember using an offset X4 placed upside down. I noticed I used the hybrid 2/3 X4 (blue/yellow) at least twice on every pitch. Never used any cam hooks in spite of the recommendation. I took a fall on supertopo pitch 5 half way across the diagonal c2 section just after the lower out. Placed the trusty 2/3 x4 and it blew shortly after I started walking up on it. Fortunately had just placed a bomber yellow TCU. Went back in with a metolius 0/00 and it held. We brought a #5 Camelot and I used it 3 times on the last pitch. I dont know if it was 100% necessary but I used it twice in the initial roof section and buried it in the middle of the wide section half way up that pitch. I was happy to have it but think I could have made due with out.
All in all, I really loved this route. We weren't fast by any means, but we kept to the nominal schedule and I had a great time on every pitch.
Trad climber
Same thing happened to us a few years back. We were told that some free climbers had been working the moves, and had cleaned the heads there, so we were prepared with a stickclip.
Disclaimer: I am not some awesome aid climber...
Has anyone climbed this lately and had any trouble on the short, supposedly C1F section between the bolts on the first pitch? A few weeks ago we had some trouble just after the first little roof after the bolts stop. There was a bathole just outside the roof that took a talon nicely, but there was no other obvious place to hook or place any gear. There were the remains of a sheared off pin just above the bathole, but I was still left ~5-8 feet below the closest seam that looked like it could take a nut or cam. There may have been a possibility to hand place a beak or two above the hook, but it didn’t look great. We saw a soloist bail from the same spot later in the day.
I’m sure this section would be no problem for someone better than I am, but I am curious if a key piece of fixed gear recently got cleaned/blew?
Thanks and roast away...
Patrick Sawyer
Originally California, now Ireland
No beta, just an observation. My first big wall. Turned 19 (May 29, 1975, had a joint but no matches or lighter) on Ahwhanee Ledge, not many fixed pins at all, very little. Several maybe, at the time. We used most of our rack on every pitch. We swung leads.
I climbed it with some guy, Rod, I met in C4. Never climbed with him before (or after LTWF). We practiced the day before on El Cap Tree then Bishop's Balcony (I led the roof, even though he was the aid climber).
The West Face of Leaning Tower was also his first big wall.
We ran out of water (inexperienced wall climbers) the second day, he ended up drinking the juices from a can of mustard sardines. YECK. Sweet to get to Bridalveil Creek, lapped that up.
Yeah, we went to light the joint to celebrate our first big wall bivvy (Ahwhanee Ledge, it is awesome, better than some places in C4 or nearby dirtbag haunts) and my birthday. As we had not taken a stove, not needing one, Rod nor I thought about fire.
"Where's the joint?" (actually three j's)
"Here, got the matches?"
"What about a lighter?" (neither of us smoked cigs)
Anyway, an interesting climb, but if I had to choose my first wall again, I'd probably pick Washington Column South Face - effing Kor, long reach ;-) - or The Prow, at least back in 1975.
What is considered a big wall nowadays? At least one bivvy IMO, but nowadays, these super climbers just flash these things.
Has the West Face of Leaning Tower become a Via Ferrata?
max kruzic
Big Wall climber
Bishop, CA
Did the west face early may 2014 and had a blast. All but one of the fixed heads were blown on the third pitch, which made it pretty interesting and felt stout for C2. With this being my second wall and looking to up the anty later this season, I wanted to get feedback from anyone whos been on this pitch in this condition to get an idea if this is what C3 looks like.
Trad climber
Thinking of heading up next week. Any idea about the condition of the fixed gear?
Big Wall climber
santa cruz, ca
Lot's of fixed gear on the route. All the heads were there. Some slings on fixed pins were starting to rot, so bring some extra leaver cord just in case. Fun route. Short for a "big wall." Ahwahnee Ledge is awesome!
Wording on the descent was a little funny regarding the last rap. It sounds like the bolts "climbers left of a tree" is the last rap, which is recommended to be done as a single rap with two 60m ropes.... Well found this rap station right when you exit the gully, and started to rap down it. I passed a tree on the way down with nice bolts and chain, but thought it says not to do multiple raps at this point (even though it looked pretty far) so I went down. Neither my 60 or 70 reached the ground, DOH! So long story short unless I did something funny, that station will not get you to the ground, and stop at the tree mid way down the steep face with bolts to the right of it.
Trad climber
Did the route 6/22/13-6/23/13 as a team of three and had a hell of a good time. Pitch Three gave me some trouble as according to the supertopo topo there are three bolts on the route. When we did it there was only the first, lowest one. I also only clipped one head. I saw a dead head that looked like it was right were I would have wanted some gear as well as a placement where it looks like a head may have blown out of. Without the bolts/heads this pitch was saucy and felt more like C3- to me. Definitely some funky sh#t happening in order to get to the Pitch 3 bolts. Bring your camhooks for sure.
Mark Hudon
Trad climber
On the road.
Skot Richards and I climbed the West Face route in two days, car to car, during the third week of October, 2011 and had a great time. We saw an incredible shoot star and then in the morning were visited by a Peregrine Falcon who had just snatched a Swift out of the air and came to have breakfast with us on Ahwahnee Ledge.
I was really surprised at how good and fun the climbing was on the route.
There are a few deadheads and broken pins someone could remove, but all in all the route was pretty clean. We had 70m ropes and had no trouble linking the logical pitches.
Mountain climber
Draperderr, by Bangerter, Utah
It was my partner's rope, not mine, but he swore it has never been cut. I really want to measure that thing before we use it again! Just sayin' with a 60 it might be pretty close, so just make sure your 60 is really a 60!
Big Wall climber
santa cruz, ca
Thanks everyone!
Social climber
boulder co
When we did it I definitely had a 60 and I linked 1,2 3 and 4, 5 and 6, and 7 and 8. We split 9 and 10 because of rope drag so we did the whole route in 6 pitches easily with a 60 and at the time it was only my second wall so I was definitely still kinda gumby and clipped almost everything. By the way Awahnee was a sweet ledge to sleep on too. have fun and remember. . .
Yer gonna Die!!
Big Wall climber
Typewriters and Ledges
Have linked P1 and P2 more than once with different 60M ropes and always was able to make it.
Both times were solo though.
Big Wall climber
Newbury Park
I have had no issues linking with a 60
Big Wall climber
santa cruz, ca
Any beta on linking pitches 1 & 2 with a 60m? I thought you could, but PellucidWombat has me worried...Maybe the other post lower down saying it worked were guys with 70m ropes? Thanks in advance
Trad climber
south lake tahoe
I found a camera case with no camera just battery and memory card (mini SD) at the top of pitch 10 on Oct 19 2012. Send me an E-mail with a short description if you want it back ( Give me a couple days to respond because I don’t check my e-mail often.
Mountain climber
Draperderr, by Bangerter, Utah
Take care if you're linking P1 & P2 with a 60m rope. We were climbing with a 60m, and at most I left a connection to every other bolt (every third for P2). My climbing partner swore his 60m rope hadn't been cut, so keep in mind how close you might be on available rope when linking these pitches! The picture below is the view I had when I ran out of rope:
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Fortunately my climbing partner worked through this by climbing up to the first bolt and fixing the climbing rope there and downclimbing back to the ledge to lower out the haul bag. Still, hauling was a PITA as I still could barely fix the rope to an extended anchor and my attachment to it limited how high up I could stand (perhaps I should have untied as well . . .).
Big Wall climber
I am pretty sure it is the rope one the traverse to the first pitch in which I say thank you. Full dice section and rope is always there and always f*#ked up. Appreciate the replacement. Good luck on your next adventures!!!
Fixing your own rope is no big deal. Just lead the thing with a modest set of cams and slings and you'll get to shuttle gear on a better rope with more intermediate gear. Maybe adds a half hour total, and adds piece of mind.
A friends backyard with the neighbors wifi
I understand. I stand corrected and appologize. And thank you.
I think there are some fixed lines that are "accepted". Some are ridiculous. However those that are accepted, we, as a community, need to maintain and monitor them (which you did and that's great), I know that is a major request of the climbing rangers.
The ahwahnee ones just always bother me, seems unnecessary, easy to string a line there yourself.
Trad climber
Nothing creative to say
you don't own any Robbins Boots! buahahaha
Trad climber
The pitch of Bagalaar above you
I routinely third class that section in robbins boots....
Just sayin.
Social climber
Angelus Oaks, Ca
I am pretty sure it is the rope one the traverse to the first pitch in which I say thank you. Full dice section and rope is always there and always f*#ked up. Appreciate the replacement. Good luck on your next adventures!!!
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Seemed like a fairly common question/concern on this beta page, I must have been mistaken. Boohoo... you guys know where its at, take it down. Make sure you head over to the death slabs too...and the approaches on the west of el cap...and blah blah blah
Trad climber
Nothing creative to say
Hoipolloi isn't so anonymous. :)
I think he's trying to point out that we don't need to tell the world about our trash.
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Who said anything about guano or awahnee ledges? Are you always this bitter or just when shrouded by the anonymity of the internet? I might leave strew, but youre just a shrew, find something better to do.
A friends backyard with the neighbors wifi
You mean you left more ugly tat strew about the beautiful ahwahnee and guano ledges?
It is a giant ledge on a rock climb, it doesn't need a hand rail.
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
We replaced the fixed rope on the 4th class traverse on 08/20/2012. First pitch fixed gear is missing. A very reachy cliffhanger hook move got us through. Apparent fixed gear missing on pitch 5 as I had to use an inverted cam hook, super bomber route.
Afternoons in August can be hot, bring an awning!!
Trad climber
Golden, Co
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Plymouth, NH
So hiking boots, mostly positive holds out left then back right, for 25 feet or so on 5.7ish terrain? cool thanks for all of the info guys. Heading there in late may early june, my guess is I will not be alone on the wall.
Trad climber
Sad the forum is gone =(
I did it in hiking boots just fine...approach shoes will be enough.
Plymouth, NH
Thanks for the awesome info, another question... Climbing shoes needed for the 5.7 at the beginning of P6? or do a good pair of approach shoes cut it? and how long is that free section?
Plymouth, NH
Looking for info, heading to Valley in 4 weeks. Anyone been up there yet this year? Fixed lines (Catwalk, Ahwahnee), are they there? Condition of bolts on P6, any rivet hangers needed? as well as any info on the rest of the 'fixed heads' etc. and can the chimney rappels really be done with a 70M rope? Thanks for any info y'all have.
Trad climber
Golden, Co
Awesome route. Did it over Friday/Saturday. Fixed rope is up on the fourth class approach. Had a couple of interesting hook moves but still tons of fixed gear. I'll have a TR and pictures up within a day or so
Trad climber
San Jose, CA
Copperheads were fine sunday. Loose block is well situated on flat ground, saw the rope under it. What an incredible route, found lots of opportunities to free climb out of the aiders. Did it in 13 hour push.
Big Wall climber
Ashland, Or
The chimney is full of loose rocks, but I looked and couldn't see the specific block that guy was talking about.
Trad climber
Nothing creative to say
is the big 500 lb block still in the chimney ready to blow? (see beta post below)
Big Wall climber
Ashland, Or
Did it 3 weeks ago with no trouble.
Trad climber
Yosemite, CA
Planning on going up this route tomorrow, does anyone know if the fixed heads are still there. I heard that some people were trying to free it and removed the heads Just wondering if there back in now or not.
Trad climber
The pitch of Bagalaar above you
Holy Frig that #3 is SUNK!
Trad climber
Did this route a few weeks ago - we were the only people on it except for some cats trying to free climb the crux pitches.
Most of the fixed gear is solid, although it takes a little bit of cunning:
Only the first two raps and the very last two require double 60m rappels. Pretty much every other one can be done with a 60 or 70.
Super fun!
Trad climber
Beware As we were were about to do the first of the chimney raps, a team ahead of us rapped past the second anchors and then tried to pull their ropes. (Don't do this, the 2nd anchors are obviously in that spot for a reason.) Their ropes hung on a couple very large boulders in the gully and they destabilized them by pulling on the ropes trying to free them. I rapped in and freed their ropes and threw them down to them, and as I stepped away from the boulders, they and the dirt they were setting on slid and the boulders moved a couple feet, trapping one of my rap ropes, and it was a miracle they did not go and kill the guys below. I had to cut my new haul rope, being careful not to touch the boulders. One of them is just setting there, going to go at a touch, probably 500 pounds, it will clear the whole gully when it goes. It is on the right hand side of the gully as you look down on the very first chimney rap. Piece of blue rope pinched their also will help identify. Be careful!
Trad climber
Everett, Wa
I'd second the core shot which actually isn't too bad but the rope itself is not logically fixed. The rope could/should start a few meters closer to the trail. Seems like the blocks you walk and grab getting to the rope are amongst the sketchiest on the ledge.
And it would be lovely if people would take the extra rope and rebelay off the trees, rather than just wrapping it around once. It wouldn't be pretty if anyone actually fell at any point on the traverse. You're not gonna die but it's going to suck.
On Oct. 16th there was a big core shot in the fixed rope across the approach ramp and the rope was too short to tie out the wound. There were many 2-liter bottles of water stashed on the approach ramp. Fixed gear was thin on the route, but everything was doable without any trickery. Make sure to bring cam, edge, and bat hooks! Tons of fun!!!
Trad climber
As of 9-30-10 there is a good fixed line for the approach traverse.
The first pitch seam, halfway up, has a missing head that you would need to hook around to bypass. I couldnt figure it out with a beak or a cliffhanger, but I suck at aid climbing.
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