Trip Report
Bishop's Finest - A photo TR from Tha Eastside
Monday October 26, 2009 1:38am
I just had four days off from work and was even more excited to climb than usual, so I met up with some friends who were visiting the Bishop area and we had a jolly good time.

We went to the Druid Stones on the first day - to think, an hour approach hike to go bouldering... quite worth it in my opinion.
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Credit: jfailing
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My friend Matt brought his fish-eye lens and took some pretty sweet shots.
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big crimpin
big crimpin
Credit: jfailing
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pete pullin
pete pullin
Credit: jfailing
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The bouldering was quite nice. Great rock, nobody up there, perfect weather. We gorged ourselves at Las Palmas and decided to do some night bouldering at the Buttermilks.

Here's Pete looking good on an attempt at everyone's favorite problem.
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pete on ironman
pete on ironman
Credit: jfailing
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The Mexican food did me in however, and I was unable to lift my feet off the ground.
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not so iron man
not so iron man
Credit: jfailing
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The next day, we decided to go scope Tai Devore's new area the "Super Fun Site" at Pine Creek. We got a late start, and there is somewhat of an approach, including 60 meters of 5.8 just to get to the site. Tai and co. have put in a lot of work on the approach, which is a huge improvement over what it used to be.

Matt jugged up a fixed line and snapped some shots of Pete and I on The Gatekeeper (10a).
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Credit: jfailing
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Credit: jfailing
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The climb went up some real awkward moves into a fantastic splitter corner.
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tha corner
tha corner
Credit: jfailing
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Pete looking good on the way up.
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Credit: jfailing
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Credit: jfailing
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We finished up the Gatekeeper and hopped on the appropriately named Keymaster, a project that Tai had a toprope on. Unfortunately no pics of that, but it was really hard, supposedly around 12b. Pete left his helmet, so if any of y'all go up there, drop it off at Wilsons if you could...

The next day we went to the gorge and got pumped out of our minds at the Pub Wall. Pete took his first whipper on Hammered (11b) and we all decided to take a victory whipper or two on some of the other climbs.

Working up Light Within(?)
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Credit: jfailing
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Credit: jfailing
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The last day of my four off was spent at the Buttermilks where there were about 10,000 people bouldering. Kind of a turn-off, so we kicked around town and drank, then went bowling. My best score was a 44. I think I'll stick to climbing.

  Trip Report Views: 2,353
About the Author
jfailing is a trad climber from A trailer park in the Sierras.

Russ Walling

Social climber
from Poofters Froth, Wyoming
  Oct 26, 2009 - 01:32pm PT

Good stuff!
Doug Robinson

Trad climber
Santa Cruz
  Oct 26, 2009 - 02:07pm PT

You're inspiring me to get to the Druids.

Social climber
  Oct 26, 2009 - 02:19pm PT
Hey that shot of ya on Ironman is oh so sexy. Where was Shaggy, did he finally go back to work? The Druids looked sweet.

Trad climber
Prescott, AZ ~
  Oct 26, 2009 - 04:08pm PT
Cool guys! looks like a great time....

I hear ya on the bowling, with scores like that you can take pride in being the worst, that's what I do:)
mike m

Trad climber
black hills
  Nov 15, 2011 - 12:56am PT
You suck at bowling, this is coming from someone who only occasionally breaks 100.

Social climber
Durango CO
  Nov 15, 2011 - 04:34am PT
Nice, always wanted to go Owen's.
Ezra Ellis

Trad climber
North wet, and Da souf
  Nov 15, 2011 - 09:22pm PT

Trad climber
  Nov 15, 2011 - 09:34pm PT
You guys hit some good stuff, Druids are great.

10,000 at the Buttermilks, come on now... I bet there were only 9,900

Random Nobody
  Nov 15, 2011 - 10:09pm PT
Kick ass!!!

I miss Bishop
'Pass the Pitons' Pete

Big Wall climber
like Ontario, Canada, eh?
  Nov 15, 2011 - 10:13pm PT
If done some sightseeing on the East Side, but never any climbing. Is there any website link you could provide that gives an overview to the coolest climbing areas?

Cheers, nice photos!