OK, shes really one of those chainsaw carrying, chaps on her thighs, spikes on there feet, tree climbing monkeys. also working trail crew in the yosemite high country...and looks like a supermodel
It is as hot as it gets in August.
I'm on my motorcycle, carefully weaving through tourists in the valley loop
Worked til early afternoon, got in a few pitches after work
I stop by El Cap meadow near dusk.
It's getting late, but it's august so still a bit of light left. dang no one around to hang with.
I go out to the way back trees to get the big screen view.
Blows my mind every time
I see a lone person out there in the distance
It's Shayna! Awesome!!!
I pull out a couple beers and ask her what's up?
She tells me how she was thinking of maybe doing the lurking fear but.... it's like a hundred degrees plus and were in a heat wave so... ???
So we drink the beers, chill for awhile.
There is not a single party on El Cap
It's dark now... so quiet and peaceful
Shayna: So... what are you doing tomorrow???
long pause...
McD: I guess we're climbin' the Big Stone !!!
5 am meet up at El Cap bridge
Big smiles all the way!!!