Trip Report
How to cope with turning 40: climb & ski 40,000ft in <40 days
Wednesday December 13, 2017 9:15pm
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Credit: ElGreco
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An account + photos of how I pulled off a challenge to defy turning 40 by climbing and skiing 40,000ft in less than 40 days during the epic snow year of 2016-17:

Disaster Strikes - Lassen Peak from the NW - Mt. Tallac/Janine’s Peak/Kalmia Bowls - Jack’s Peak - Hourglass Couloir on Mt. Dade - June Lake - Lassen & Eagle Peaks from the SW - Peak 8,662 - Shastina N Face - Mt. Shasta (Left of Heart, Avalanche Gulch) - Epilogue - Lessons - Thank yous

  Trip Report Views: 1,741
About the Author
ElGreco is a mountain climber from Athens, Greece who lives in the San Francisco Bay area.


  Dec 13, 2017 - 09:20pm PT
Turning forty requires coping? How quaint.

Social climber
  Dec 14, 2017 - 03:31am PT
If i ever make it to 40, still forever away, ill just be happy im still going. Omg, you were born in THE 70's. Wow!!!
unlocked gait

Gym climber
the range
  Dec 14, 2017 - 03:56am PT
40 is quaint. the wrinkles
are finally out of the new human,
and we get get that soft, flowy, worn-in look.

a few proud scars tell stories of battles survived,
a few wine stains on the cuff; they're ok.

in my fourth decade i took up skateboarding.

it's like a ground fall everytime!
