Trip Report
Navajo Peak 13,409' TR
Monday June 28, 2010 12:38am
On June 26, 2010 We headed for Navajo Peak in the Indian Peaks Wilderness west of Longmont Colorado. The trailhead is the Brainerd Lake Recreation Area and specifically the trail to Long Lake. A good trail goes all the way past Long Lake and Isabelle Lake to the Isabelle Glacier nearby - but with the "massive snowpack" in 2010 there was much snow starting at Isabelle Lake. Once the trail heads steeply up to the glacier, leave the Isabelle Glacier Trail head SW into the basin below Navajo. There are probably boot tracks in the rocks but it was all snow this day and not alot of activity in recent times. We climbed the Navajo Snowfield and N Face Route. Climb the snowfield 1000' to the saddle between Navajo and the Peak to the north. From the saddle climb straight up rock on the N Face 110 feet to a steep section. Climb an easy roped pitch (5.4) 90' past a flake at first to a large ledge covered with scree. Bring 5 pieces of pro from 5/16" to 1 3/4". mrs. museum said we may have been off route a bit. A party just before us went up a different crack apparently. I did not see them. From the scree covered ledge, scramble S and SE to the SW corner of the summit area. From the SW corner, scramble NE to the top. We descended the Airplane Gully Route. We were apparently terribly slow as this took 11:40 in only 10 miles. Only 3 parties and 7 climbers total. The fast movers we encountered went to Shoshoni Pk to the N.

This is an excellent and varied route.

Big storm on the descent.

All is well.

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Credit: the museum
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Navajo is the pointy peak on the left.  The snow field is just to the ...
Navajo is the pointy peak on the left. The snow field is just to the right, almost in the center of the pic.
Credit: the museum
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We caught some fast movers at the tarn below Isabelle Glacier.
We caught some fast movers at the tarn below Isabelle Glacier.
Credit: the museum
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We climbed the snow to the island of rock in the middle of the snow fi...
We climbed the snow to the island of rock in the middle of the snow field, then to the saddle. The snow slope above the island is 45 degrees.
Credit: the museum
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Above the island of rock...
Above the island of rock...
Credit: the museum
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Top out on the rock pitch at the scree ledge, 200 above the saddle.
Top out on the rock pitch at the scree ledge, 200 above the saddle.
Credit: the museum
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Scrambling up from the SW corner of the summit area - the last bit.
Scrambling up from the SW corner of the summit area - the last bit.
Credit: the museum
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Credit: the museum
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mrs. museum
mrs. museum
Credit: the museum
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After descending snow and scree on the E ridge - regular route. This i...
After descending snow and scree on the E ridge - regular route. This is at the top of the second gully from the peak. The gully nearest to the peak has a big cliff in it....
Credit: the museum
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The west branch of the Airplane Gully contains the remains of a "large...
The west branch of the Airplane Gully contains the remains of a "large airplane".
Credit: the museum
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Credit: the museum
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From the bottom of the Airplane Gully Route.
From the bottom of the Airplane Gully Route.
Credit: the museum
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View N to Long's Peak and the end of this report.  the museum
View N to Long's Peak and the end of this report. the museum
Credit: the museum
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  Trip Report Views: 4,864
the museum
About the Author
the museum is a trad climber from Rapid City.


  Jun 28, 2010 - 03:50pm PT
Good stuff !

Trad climber
San Francisco, CA
  Jun 29, 2010 - 01:06am PT
Wow! I want to do that and poke around a plane carcass!

Social climber
Lida Junction
  Jun 29, 2010 - 02:59pm PT
thanks. I would like to see more trs from outside California

Trad climber
Douglas, WY
  Jun 30, 2010 - 03:45pm PT
Nice TR! I climbed Navajo Peak as my very first mountain in Colorado back in 1957! In 1966 while working as a guide for University of Colorado Mountain Recreation program, I helped guide (herd?) 35 newbie climbers up the mountain.

There appears to be a lot more snow now.