Trip Report
Pullharder vs Woodson Offwidth: Part II
Thursday November 12, 2009 8:39am
We headed up to thrash a little wide again. This time in addition to Right Long's Crack and Greg's Crack we hit up Big Grunt. It was a night of punishment, but as I like to say, "Suffer with a smile!" :)

top left corner top right corner
Stein entering Big Grunt: 5 of us ran a lap by headlamp!
Stein entering Big Grunt: 5 of us ran a lap by headlamp!
Credit: Josh Higgins
bottom left corner bottom right corner

I hope you enjoy!


  Trip Report Views: 1,836
Josh Higgins
About the Author
Josh Higgins is a trad climber from San Diego.

Ray Olson

Trad climber
Imperial Beach, California
  Nov 12, 2009 - 11:30am PT
you guys rock

your "abberation" is marked
and well defined.

seriously, thanks for the post,

so, I mean, did the thin cracks
down there just get too easy for
ya, or what?

have fun,
Josh Higgins

Trad climber
San Diego
Author's Reply  Nov 12, 2009 - 11:54am PT
What aberration???

A few of us can do most of the finger cracks on the mountain now. There are a few that we haven't tried yet, but we will. I think that's part of it, and part of it is that we identified a weakness and we're trying to turn it into a strength. Two of those guys who sent were on Freerider starting to work it a few weekends ago. Make the Monster Offwidth appealing as opposed to scary! I also plan to start working Freerider next year if I can get the time off...

Ray Olson

Trad climber
Imperial Beach, California
  Nov 12, 2009 - 07:15pm PT
just playin' around...
good on ya Josh.

great to see your post :-)

and let me add: its great to see
you guys utilizing that place the way you
are - BITD I had a near impossibe time
even finding someone to belay for a
few laps, they laughed at the idea!

I kid you not. I had read about what
Yaniro was doing for training, ha,
no takers. my own standard only
got better when I got a full time
climbing G-friend, then we climbed
every third day, pretty much.

of course the woodson wide got climbed then,
but it seemed many felt they were "wierd" or
not quite "on" (?) hence my lame joke above...

I never really tried to do all the wide there,
seemed not many wanted to, just the basics;
Gregs prob, mother superior, etc.

partly it was because of my time split,
working to open acres of new terrain in
the south east county, often, and I kid
you not, having to recruit non climbers
for the belay (I would teach them how)
and bribe them with beer - too funny

neat to sit here and see the new school
tearing it up in full :-)

love it.



Random Nobody
  Nov 12, 2009 - 08:07pm PT
Great stuff!!!

OW at night....

is that just as painful as OW in the day?

OH, yeah, great stuff technique-wise with the video. Feet first until a pretty powerful looking transition/flip...

Josh Higgins

Trad climber
San Diego
Author's Reply  Feb 1, 2010 - 05:05pm PT
Bump, due to all the Woodson talk going on in the forums.
