Trip Report
South Howser Tower (Beckey-Chouinard)
Wednesday December 11, 2013 6:26pm
If you want a report with pictures, visit my website, since SuperTopo has deprecated displaying photos from off-site.

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Alec traversing out on the crux 5.10 face traverse of P18. Alec was to...
Alec traversing out on the crux 5.10 face traverse of P18. Alec was too high earlier and found it easier to finish the traverse a little lower here. I found the real crux to be where he is at here, turning the corner.
Credit: PellucidWombat
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July 31, 2013
Although poor weather in the Bugaboos had changed my plans with Alec for us to stop by Gimli Peak on our way in, the storms had passed and we had a brief, but solid, weather window. The famous Beckey-Chouinard Route on South Howser Tower (V, 5.10, 19 pitches)was our main objective, and while ideally we would have warmed up on something easier like Bugaboo Spire, we had a perfect multi-day weather window that we couldn't afford to miss.

We stopped and stayed at the hut the first day hiking in, as a heavy rain and sleet storm began just as we reached the Kain Hut. The second day we set up camp at Applebee Campground and traveled over to climb the classic West Ridge of Pigeon Spire on our way to setting up our bivy near South Howser Tower. We decided to bivy rather than a camp-to-camp push as Alec was wary of how much energy he'd have for such a long push, and I was wary of how well my damaged knee could take such a large day (this year I have found that breaking up approaches & climbs helps a lot).

It took us about 2-3 hrs to descend to the toe of the ridge and scramble the first 1,000 ft to the base of the first roped pitch. From there we had many pitches of climbing consistently at 5.8-5.9! The only other people we saw were a guide and client who passed us, but otherwise we had this spectacular route to ourselves on this fine sunny day. It took us 12:45 hrs from the first roped pitch to the summit. We summitted with just enough time to do the 10 rappels for the descent before dark over 2:25 hrs, and reached our bivy just before we needed to turn on our headlamps. 19 hrs of fun!

The timing was perfect as that night it rained on us, and the weather stayed off & on rainy for the next few days.

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Annotation of the route on an aerial photo taken by Steph Abegg on a flight with John Scurlock on September 24, 2011

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Annotation of the route on an aerial photo taken by Steph Abegg on a flight with John Scurlock on September 24, 2011

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Map of the Howser Towers and areas accessed from Bugaboo-Snowpatch Col

This is a big route and requires an early start. We left our bivy at about 3:30am. In the dark we had to be careful to descend into East Creek through the right chute, and scramble up at the right spot to gain the ridge, but it all fell together easily enough with careful routefinding. We downclimbed some loose cl. 2-3 boulders from the col, then down a 25-30 degree snow slope for a short bit before things leveled off. Then it was mostly a gradual downhill stroll until we could identify a slope leading up to the ridge crest. From here the scrambling was mostly cl. 2 with occasional cl. 3 bits through large boulders, with maybe one cl. 4-5 part (I was lazy with routefinding). Our timing was just about perfect as we got to the base of the route at first light. By the time we were roped up and ready to go, the rock was barely warm enough for reasonably comfortable climbing.

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Alec ready to climb the B-C!

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Sunrise at last illuminating peaks to the SW. Flattop Peak, Flattop SW1, Crossed Fish and Little Snowpatch

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The first roped pitch of Beckey-Chouinard starts here and goes to the right around the giant boulders. I recommend simul-climbing the first two pitches. (the topo considers the 1,000' scramble to the start as P1).

To speed things up, we simul-climbed the first two pitches, which helps a lot to get high fast and to establish momentum for the day. There is one part of slightly insecure 5.7, but otherwise it is pretty easy.

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Beckey-Chouinard Route on South Howser Tower. The 5.9-5.10 roof ascends the first tier, then the Great Dihedral makes up the second tier, and then the route wraps around the backside of the Great White Headwall above. Perspective greatly distorts scale from this view!

We roped up for P4, which was one of the crux pitches, with insecure and thin face climbing and flaring seams to start, and then a burly roof to climb over. It sucked following this with the bigger pack on, but perhaps it was better than Alec following the wide pitches with it!

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Alec just past the 5.9-5.10 roof on P4.

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Alec just past the 5.9-5.10 roof on P4.

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Looking down the route from atop P4. Below a guide and client are racing up. They gracefully passed us as we finished the Great Dihedral and reached the big sandy ledge.

Around this time we heard voices from below and saw another party gaining on us. We were surprised, as we never saw their lights following us on the glacier, and we thought we were moving very fast. Oddly, the leader only had a small daypack on, smaller than either of our packs, and the follower wasn't carrying anything! Because of this, and the extreme efficiency of the leader in setting up anchors and belaying, we assumed it must be a guide and client, which proved to be the case.

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Following up P5 (5.8). The rock was still a little gritty and flaring here, but it would soon clean up and turn to splitter jam cracks.

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Beckey-Chouinard Route on South Howser Tower. The Great Dihedral (below) and the Great White Headwall above really stand out. Perspective greatly distorts scale from this view!

Alec finished his block of leads, and next it was my turn. I was looking forward to climbing without that bulky pack, and I was even more eager to climb the Great Dihedral! It looks so nice and lived up to its reputation as a fantastic series of sustained pitches. Getting into it was a tad tricky, with a number of ways to go on broken terrain below. Then I climbed a thin crack before traversing right on a slab to gain the corner. I think Alec ended P5 a bit short, which left me at a small but OK alternate belay shortly above where I gained the corner in the dihedral.

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Leading P6, climbing a little 5.7 tier to enter the Great Dihedral. Above I had to do a little face climbing traversing between cracks to reach the corner.

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The Great Dihedral. 300 ft of fun and sustained. 5.7-5.8 hand jams. I led nearly the entire thing as one long pitch. Lots of leapfrogging cams! Especially #3 C4s. It reminded me of an easier version of Mithral Dihedral.

In an attempt to get the dihedral done in as few pitches as possible, I mostly climbed out the full 60m available to us, rather than stopping at the alcove belay. The alcove belay is VERY comfy, BTW, and while doable, my partially hanging belay just beneath the final lieback was awkward. The alcove belay is just beyond the large roofs in the photo above.

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Beginning the first real pitch of the Great Dihedral. P7

The Great Dihedral is sustained 5.8 at mostly fists in a leaning corner, with occasional sections of thinner hands or mild OW (#4 camalot was nice). What also kept it interesting wast that one was constantly surmounting little steps and roofs, with easier terrain in between where rests could be had. Because the crack was so consistently at a #2-#3 camalot size, I did a lot of leapfrogging as I went to keep it chill without running out of gear.

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Never ending corner on the Great Dihedral. P7

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Never ending corner on the Great Dihedral. P7

I had gotten so close to the top, just one last little roof and I would be on a nice ledge in the sunshine! But alas, by skipping the alcove belay, I ran out of rope about 20' short. Aw well, at least the belay gave me a nice view of the others following.

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Looking down the Great Dihedral from just below the top. P7

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Alec following up one of the wider sections of the Great Dihedral. The guide is below him at one of the standard belays - a very nice ledge. P7

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I just barely ran out of rope below this final lieback-stemming crux at the top of the Dihedral, so I set up a semi-hanging belay. The guide and client passed us here as Alec followed up to the belay and continued on to the large bivy ledge. P7-P8

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Guide and client atop the first of two short pitches (P9 & P10) that take one from the lower to upper big bivy ledges. The Great White Headwall is above.

Once we reached the Gravel Ledges, Alec and I regrouped for a little lunch while we waited for the guide and client to pull ahead a little but. The guide said he had climbed this route numerous times and for us to not worry - he'd dispatch leads about 15 minutes a piece.

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Guide atop P10,with the follower about to start the supposed 5.9 wide and squeeze. I really didn't find this pitch that hard, but it was pretty fun!

This held true until the wide pitches, where he and the client slowed down. The client especially had trouble following the 5.10 fingers, but fortunately at that point I was choosing the wide variation, so I just climbed out beside her, and they gained ground above us as we wriggled in the wide.

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Lovely cracks on the Great White Headwall.

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Beginning the first wide part of P11. This is solid #4 C4 size. Alec liebacked it (easier with the pack). I torqued my feet and armbarred up the crack, sliding the #4 C4 as I went. Above is a squeeze chimney before it cuts right onto a crack on the face. Make sure to take the #4 with you for higher up!

I thought the ratings on this route were strangely inconsistent. For example, P11 is listed as one of the crux pitches, with it being a wide crux. I found it very easy, while the upper 5.8 OW and chimney pitches seemed MUCH harder.

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The second part of P11. Fun wide fists before the easy stepover below the OW.

I found the stepover to be straightforward. Some topos called this part out as the second crux on the pitch, but I disagree.

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Looking down from atop P11. We're getting pretty high! The ridge was first gained just below the horseshoe-shaped bit of snow on the left. Note the bivy rings on the big sandy ledge below.

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Alec getting ready to follow P11. This pitch was pretty steep and just under 60m.

Alec liebacked the lower wide crack, but the last half of the lower step is a 5.7-5.8 squeeze chimney, so there he dropped the pack on a line and trailed it. Smooth transition, then back to jamming!

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Interesting glacier cave and ice flow contours.

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Guide and follower ascending the 5.10 finger crack variation of P12. I took the OW & chimney to the right, unknowingly linking 2-3 pitches into one long mega-pitch!

The client was having difficulty on the 5.10a fingers and normally we would have had to wait on them here, but we had other ideas in mind - that dark, wide corner on the right! I'm still not sure how one should climb in to it. There are two options, both of which require climbing a ways off of the belay without any pro:

(1) Climb up to the first ledge above the belay (5.7?) and do a long traverse on a ledge to the right, where the wide crack from below continues. Plug in a #4 Camalot, plug in a leg, and resume climbing up!

(2) Climb higher, to the second ledge, and traverse a thinner sloping friction ledge into the chimney system about 8-10 ft higher, before first pro. This option was probably easier, technically, but seriously runout!

I took option 1 and found it to be the crux of the wide on the route. #4 camalot forever, in an irregular crack, so I had to take it out for each movement. Rests were tough, and I couldn't quite plug myself all the way in, but it was also hard to unplug myself with finesse. Very strange, awkward, and tiring climbing. I was very happy once I reached the chimney were I could rest and leave some pro behind me!

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Looking down after the first OW (P12). It was surprisingly tough! The #4 cam was tipped out a lot of the time.

From here it was mostly straightforward until the next OW.

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Looking up the next section (P13)

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Looking down from the crux OW (P14) at the little roof and chimney climbed just before. You can see Alec at the start of the pitch.

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This OW (P14) was pretty tricky and often too wide for the #4 C4. Fortunately every now and then I could get a nut or C3 in the thin crack on the left, which also occasionally provided some stemming rests.

This OW was strange. It reminded me of P2 on Reed's Direct in that it has a lean to it, and you are climbing a bunch of half-diamond-shaped holes. Except on this one, the holes were large enough to slot a leg into, and the pinches were too narrow to slide the leg through, so I had to do a lot of coming out, sliding in, coming out, over and over to move up. I also had to take the #4 camalot out for each resetting. Eventually the hairline crack on my left opened up for an occasional thin nut or C3 to leave as a backup! Sometimes I could stem it or some face features, especially higher up where I was getting tired and needed more of a break from the wide crack.

This long endurance-fest ends with another tricky roof-chimney combo, and then a very nice belay ledge in the sun.

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Looking up P15-P16 This was a nice break from all of the tough wide below! I had unknowingly linked pitches to get here, which saved a lot of time, but left us surprised about the next pitch, which we thought was 5.6 but was really 5.8-5.9!

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Leading easy terrain on P15-P16

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Reaching the crux on P15-P16 You must ascend a nice hand crack on the left wall into a tight squeeze chimney before a final 5.6 hands and fists corner.

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The final fun hands and fists section of P15-P16. About 5.6.

On the next pitch, the corner had a lot of loose blocks that were hard to avoid, so I traversed far out right on an easy ledge, then back left higher on a crack while walking a cam (about 5.6?). This avoided the blocks and was pretty easy. Another short corner farther and suddenly I was in a notch that dropped off to a void behind! This was not at all what we were expecting from the topo.

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The notch you reach at the crux face traverse (to the left behind). I reached this unexpectedly as we had unknowingly linked pitches below, and at first I was worried that we were off route!

I spent some time searching around and looking at the topo, trying to make sense of where I was. Could I be off route. Looking to my left, things looked familiar, and I realized that I was already at the 5.10 face traverse! It turns out the topo we had been using had assumed climbers would be breaking up the wide pitches into shorter ones, and by still doing close to 60m pitches, I had inadvertently linked a number of them. Unfortunately that meant that I led some of the pitches that were to be Alec's. Sorry!

This final crux section involves either a C0 tension traverse with a 5.9 move to turn the corner, or a thin face traverse, once again with the crux being turning the corner, at 5.10a/5.10+/whatever. Some people thought this part was easy, and each topo had a different rating. I'd call it more towards 5.10+, but then again, I suck at face climbing. While the pitons seemed pretty good, this traverse is still a bit dicey as the leader would take a large pendulum back into the corner if they fell at the crux, which is a ways out. It isn't so bad for the follower if the leader takes car to flip the rope and not place pro for a while on the easier terrain in the gully.

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Alec traversing out on the crux 5.10 face traverse of P18. You can see the lower-out tat on the piton on the right. This is the only pro for the entire crux traverse. Alec is too high here and found it easier to finish the traverse a little lower.

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Alec traversing out on the crux 5.10 face traverse of P18. Alec was too high earlier and found it easier to finish the traverse a little lower here. I found the real crux to be where he is at here, turning the corner.

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The pitons that protect the crux traverse or allow one to tension around the arete.

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Following up the easy gully after the crux face traverse on P18. This gully is only about cl. 4, so the leader can easily climb high before placing the first piece of pro, to give the follower a better top-rope for the crux traverse.

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The final ridge section to the top of South Howser Tower. You rappel to the right here onto easier ledges.

From atop the easy gully there is a short rappel to a ledge on the right side of the crest, and then from there a few hundred feet of cl. 4 to mid-5th class climbing to the summit. We simul-climbed this, stopping once to regroup due to rope drag. The very end had a fun little knife edge ridge and step across to navigate.

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The summit of South Howser Tower!

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Summit! So psyched.

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Interesting meltwater patterns on the glacier below.

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The Vowell Glacier and surrounding spires from South Howser Tower. (Bugaboo Spire, Snowpatch Spire, Pigeon Spire, and the Sphinx (center))

After enjoying about 30 minutes on the summit, it was time to begin the long series of rappels to get down. This part is tricky and one can get in trouble if they don't do it right. Fortunately we had printed off a few different sources that when combined, allowed us to find our way down mostly fine. The only exceptions were that we couldn't find the first proper rappel, so did 2 different rappels on slings to start, and near the end I accidentally when down a corner/gully that I shouldn't have, but Alec was able to rappel down to the side in a way that I could escape my position.

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South Howser Tower from atop Bugbaboo Spire. (August 3, 2013)

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Steep view down the rappels towards Middle Howser Tower. It is one more steep rappel to the large ledge below, where you go left (right from this view) on a low angle ledge to the final set of rappels aiming right, straight down to the glacier.

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Sunset on Bugaboo Spire, Snowpatch Spire, Pigeon Spire, and the Sphinx (center) from the rappels on South Howser Tower.

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Sunset on Pigeon Spire from the rappels on South Howser Tower.

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Sunset on Snowpatch Spire from the rappels on South Howser Tower.

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Sunset on Bugaboo Spire from the rappels on South Howser Tower.

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Fading light on Bugaboo Spire from the rappels on South Howser Tower.

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Final rappel into the massive bergschrund. Now to climb back out!

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Alec on the final rappel over the massive bergschrund. The last few rappels had brought us down the buttress above from the step on the skyline.

We made it down just before dark, and barely made it back to our bivy site before needing to turn on our headlamps. What a perfect long day out in the mountains! The Beckey-Chouinard route has been by far my favorite rock climbing route of all time.

Originally I had wanted to push back to Applebee Camp that night while Alec was in favor of breaking up the deproach, but by the time we reached the bivy and our extra food, I gave in to laziness, so we bedded down for another night before hiking out to Applebee. I was so tired that I didn't even close up my bivy sack, and I slept right through the rain that ended our first weather window for climbing in the Bugaboos . . .

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Annotation of the route on an aerial photo taken by Steph Abegg on a flight with John Scurlock on May 15, 2012

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Annotation of the route on an aerial photo taken by Steph Abegg on a flight with John Scurlock on May 15, 2012

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Map of the Bugaboos Area. While not too large, there is a lot of world-class climbing to be found here.

Picasa Album - if you want to see a KMZ file of the route in Google Maps/Google Earth. Also, I have pitch-by-pitch notes at the end of the report here.
Personal Website

2 x 0.4"-3" (#0 C3 to #3 C4)
1 x #4 C4
12-14 alpine slings

Bivying near Howser is in the gray area of being OK by the provincial parks, so check with the Kain Hut attendant to be up to date on what locations, if any, are considered OK, and in what manner. It has been banned outright off and on in the past.

Pack Strategy:
This is an important and tricky thing to work out, as the route is so long, and has a lot of wide, that carrying packs is difficult. However, because it is so long and exposed, with need to travel on glaciate terrain and to be prepared for wind and potential bad weather, it is risky to travel too light as well. See the Glacier Travel logistics for what we chose to do with that extra gear.

For us, what we tried and seemed to work well was bringing 2 packs: a moderate-sized camelback for the leader, and a larger pack (compressed Andanista Wild Things) for the follower. The leader carried a 3-liter camelback, a light jacket, and a small amount of food. The follower carried 1-2 liters of water to refill, both pair of boots, the glacier travel gear, and the bulkier jackets, in addition to some of the day's food, follower's light jacket, and first aid kit.

Alec only needed to trail the pack for a couple of sections on the wide climbing above the big sandy ledge, and no hauling was needed. As a follower, he was able to stay farther out and stem more on the wide sections. I was able to wear the follower pack on all of the pitches that I followed, with the toughest parts being pulling the 5.9+ lower roof crux, and the 5.10 face traverse near the end.

Approach/Descent Glacier Travel Logistics:
The descent to the base of the route is more serious than the glacier walk-off after the climb. We didn't find the routefindig hard or crevasses worrisome - in the conditions of the terrain (well-trodden path) and snow (not quite freezing) that we traveled in, we could have gotten by leaving our crampons behind and traveling unroped as we never traveled near any crevasses, and the angles rarely got all that steep (note, that nighttime freezing or lack of a path would have made crampons much more useful). Having one ax for the follower might be a good idea for insurance, though.

With our 60m doubles, we could easily reach completely flat snow on the last rappel, and you could get pretty close even with a single 60m. There is nothing nearby to slide into if you had to slide the last little bit. From there it is an easy, low-angle walk back to the col. There are a couple of small crevasses that are easy to avoid with proper routefinding, and it was no worse than the walk in from Applebee campground.

So in short, for our conditions, bringing 1 pair of crampons and 2 axes was overkill. We could have done just fine with one axe.

Other Bugs/BC Rock Climbing Trip Reports
South Ridge of Gimli Peak - A Lesser-Known Canadian Classic
Pigeon Spire (W Ridge)
Crescent Tower (Lion's Way) - A Great R&R (Rain & Relaxation) Climb
Bugaboo Spire (NE Ridge)

  Trip Report Views: 29,814
About the Author
PellucidWombat is a mountain climber from Berkeley, CA.


Social climber
boulder co
  Dec 11, 2013 - 06:37pm PT
Cool Tr!. Lots of great pictures. got ur dun!

Social climber
Lida Junction
  Dec 11, 2013 - 06:43pm PT
Good job, TFPU
Vitaliy M.

Mountain climber
San Francisco
  Dec 11, 2013 - 07:22pm PT
Wow, the aerial photos are incredible. Lots of beta in this report. Wish you did this on before me so I could have all this info available. This route is one worth repeating though!

Mountain climber
Draperderr, by Bangerter, Utah
Author's Reply  Dec 11, 2013 - 07:36pm PT
haha, for sure! Actually, the Great White Headwall has a variation that looks tempting to try out.
McHale's Navy

Trad climber
From Panorama City, CA
  Dec 11, 2013 - 07:39pm PT

Mountain climber
  Dec 11, 2013 - 07:39pm PT
Great trip report and pictures. Thanks for posting!

Trad climber
Nothing creative to say
  Dec 11, 2013 - 07:43pm PT
gorgeous stone, thx

Trad climber
Montuckyian Via Canada Eh!
  Dec 11, 2013 - 07:47pm PT
What a great TR...One of the most memorable climbs I have ever been fortunate enough to do...Thanx for sharing.....


Trad climber
Seattle, WA
  Dec 11, 2013 - 07:59pm PT

Best one yet, Pellucid!!!!! Man oh man, I was grinning from ear to ear upon finishing, and a couple of those sunset descent photos belong in the best of supertopo!!!! Thanks.


Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
  Dec 11, 2013 - 08:43pm PT
Burch, you took the words outta my big mouth. Pellucid, leave a little
to the imagination, mate. Is yer mom's maiden name Gutenberg or sumpin?
But it is awesome. ;-)

BTW, the only thing you didn't take a picture of was the The World's
Greatest Bivy Ledge about at the end of P17. ;-)
mike m

Trad climber
black hills
  Dec 11, 2013 - 08:42pm PT
Wow great write up. That is the route of my dreAms. I hope to do it some day with my son. I visited with my wife in 99 but did not get to climb. I will go back S I had never seen such beautiful terrain.

Ice climber
  Dec 11, 2013 - 09:01pm PT
Great TR & photos !! Also thanks for shrinking the obnoxious water marks that previously cluttered your photos.

Trad climber
Punter, Little Rock
  Dec 11, 2013 - 09:22pm PT
Nice looking rock. TFPU.

Trad climber
The state of confusion
  Dec 11, 2013 - 10:08pm PT

Whoo hoo!
Now it's on my list!
What a great TR--super pics!

Big Wall climber
  Dec 11, 2013 - 10:19pm PT
Awesome Trip Report!
I have always wanted to go there. This will provide a good psyche for the winter months. Great photos by the way & nice overlay of the location of the climbing on the overview pics, although I guess those are from the guidebook. Truly well done!

Trad climber
  Dec 11, 2013 - 10:29pm PT
Very nice, awesome route.

Oakland, CA
  Dec 11, 2013 - 10:35pm PT
Good God that looks spectacular.


Trad climber
  Dec 11, 2013 - 10:56pm PT
A little bit of magic and mystery has left the world... but I can't stop myself from gobbling it up! File this under guilty pleasures.

Amazing pics, amazing logistical detail. If you compile the "Wombat's 25 Classic Routes" into a guidebook, you'll be a climbing guide bestseller, at least in western US.

Documentation aside, nice job on a spectacular demanding line in a spectacular place.

Mountain climber
Draperderr, by Bangerter, Utah
Author's Reply  Dec 11, 2013 - 10:45pm PT
on the overview pics, although I guess those are from the guidebook.

Actually my friend Steph Abegg took those photos. You might see them appear in an aerial photography book at some time in the future :-) She sent me full res copies in exchange for me marking them with the route annotations to use on her website.

San Jose, CA
  Dec 11, 2013 - 10:54pm PT
wow! the only word is wow!
norm larson

wilson, wyoming
  Dec 12, 2013 - 08:16am PT
Great trip report. After trying to climb this route 3 or 4 times over at least a dozen years my wife and I finally got the right conditions a couple of years ago. I think it's one of the best if not THE best routes anywhere for a 5.10 alpine rock climb. Your trip report took me back and I could even smell the rock and ice. Thanks, that was a great way to start my day.

Trad climber
Wolfeboro, NH
  Dec 12, 2013 - 09:54am PT
Really great TR!

Thanks. The bugs were my 1st big trip back in 1967.

Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
  Dec 12, 2013 - 10:05am PT
Wow, what a great TR!!


  Dec 12, 2013 - 10:28am PT
This went incredibly well with my morning cup of coffee. Thank you for sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trad climber
Sierra Vista
  Dec 12, 2013 - 11:04am PT
You post up great stuff. These reports set a standard!

In addition I can live a vicarious alpine climbing existance through your adventures. I'm never going to get there, but these are the next best thing!

Thanks again,


Grizzlyville, WY
  Dec 12, 2013 - 11:15am PT

  Dec 12, 2013 - 11:49am PT
What am I doing with my life?!?!

Must climb this route!

Thanks for another awesome TR PW, always appreciated.
Ezra Ellis

Trad climber
North wet, and Da souf
  Dec 12, 2013 - 08:06pm PT
Bump for the real Deal!

Thanks for setting the Standard Mark!!!!

I have to get there!!@!!
adam d

  Dec 12, 2013 - 09:45pm PT
Great report on a great route (I was on it in 2005). The 5.10 variation to p12 you posted the shot of the guide and client on...what a great pitch. As I remember it, it is 3 parallel thin cracks with some finger locks but mostly really interesting climbing, sidepulls, edges, routefinding, switching cracks. The most exposed position of the route I thought as you've climbed out left on the previous pitch and the face really drops away beneath you. Not just the best pitch of the route, but for me the pitch of the trip (and we climbed in beautiful conditions 8 days in a row).

Big Wall climber
santa cruz, ca
  Dec 12, 2013 - 10:04pm PT
f*#k yeah

  Dec 12, 2013 - 10:09pm PT
With a name like Pellucid Wombat, you know it's gotta be good!

Mountain climber
Draperderr, by Bangerter, Utah
Author's Reply  Dec 13, 2013 - 03:05pm PT
Good God that looks spectacular.

My thoughts, too! We were focused enough on finishing the rappels before dark that we nearly missed this. Once I saw it, it was difficult to hurry much until the alpenglow faded :-)

Trad climber
Fresno CA
  Dec 13, 2013 - 03:35pm PT
With a name like Pellucid Wombat, you know it's gotta be good!

Those of us familiar with his TR's know that to be a fact, Gene. This one certainly lived up to my expectations. Superb pictures and report that leave me with a desire to do the route (from the safety of being in Fresno in winter. We'll see about the desire come summer, but that's a different story).

As with all your reports, thank you very much, Pellucid Wombat!

Social climber
Canyon Lake, Texas
  Dec 13, 2013 - 06:21pm PT
Really loved that route! Looking back over the years, I have to say that climbing the BC was one of the best times I ever had in the Mountains. Great friends, great weather, great place and a really great route!

It is a must do, and even though folks do it fast these days. Some of the biggest fun we had was hanging out on that big ledge and having a bivi party!!!!

This is our TR from back in 1990...

Social climber
  Dec 13, 2013 - 06:57pm PT
This TR was the balls!
Great photography!!
John Duffield

Mountain climber
New York
  Dec 13, 2013 - 07:11pm PT
Photography is outstanding! Thanks for sharing!

Trad climber
Norman, OK
  Dec 14, 2013 - 05:13pm PT
Mark, as everyone has already commented, what an awesome TR! If you recall, my climbing partner, Claire (from Oklahoma) and I met you in the Kain Hut when you returned from the route. With the stunning photography and the added labeled aerial pics, this is the best TR I've seen on the BC. Well done!
Joe Ripperger
The Call Of K2 Lou

Mountain climber
North Shore, BC
  Dec 14, 2013 - 05:54pm PT
Awesome, awesome, awesome!

The Bugaboos are one of the places in my home province I dream about, but just haven't got to yet. Your great pics, great tale, and great route annotations have stoked the fires. I'm going, that's all there is to it, I'm f*in' going! (I'm headed elsewhere for next summer's big trip, but now 2015's got a leading candidate.)

Thanks for posting!

Mountain climber
Draperderr, by Bangerter, Utah
Author's Reply  Dec 15, 2013 - 03:40pm PT
Hey Joe,

Thanks for piping in! It was nice meeting you in the hut. I'm glad you've enjoyed the representation of the route. Once again, I can't praise it enough. :-)

Mountain climber
Draperderr, by Bangerter, Utah
Author's Reply  Dec 15, 2013 - 05:13pm PT
A little bit of magic and mystery has left the world... but I can't stop myself from gobbling it up! File this under guilty pleasures.

Hey NutJob (Nut Again!). If it makes you feel better, I was blown away at how much climbing there is on the SW side of the Howser Towers, with many other lines that are almost never climbed that are right up there with the B-C. So while some mystery has been exposed, there is plenty of stellar mystery terrain back there, even with the 'crowded' B-C route nearby! I kind of feel this way about a lot of areas, even the Sierra. If you look deeper into an area, there is still a lot of mystery out there, it is just not as publicized :-)

Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
  Dec 15, 2013 - 07:17pm PT
Big Mike

Trad climber
  Dec 15, 2013 - 10:52pm PT
Sweet report PW! Thanks!!

Trad climber
  Dec 16, 2013 - 10:17am PT
Mark, your TRs are always excellent, and this is one of your best. When one looks over the reports you have posted, it seems clear that you are one of the most capable and prolific climbers on all of ST. You are an inspiration, man.

Trad climber
Las Vegas, NV
  Dec 16, 2013 - 10:45am PT
Awesome trip report. I tried 3 times for this route and got closed down by weather.

Trad climber
  Dec 16, 2013 - 12:13pm PT
Nice TR and super graphics, again. Did this with Crump. We did the fingers "variation," don't remember any OW. Also didn't do a rap as shown atop your pitch 15 or so, but we did rope some of the 4th/5th to get to the summit. Crump punched through a hole into a crevasse heading back towards Pidgeon, but his pack kept him from going fully through. Always remind folks there are some deep holes out there. Spiral snow bridge below the Snowpatch-Bugaboo col collapsed on me, but I anticipated it and was able to jump to the far side where Crump caught me. Fun times.

portland, or
  Dec 16, 2013 - 03:12pm PT
Great stuff Mark - really enjoyed it.

Trad climber
  Aug 19, 2014 - 02:01pm PT
The raps all go with a single 60m rope off ring bolts and thus the route can be climbed easily with a single 60m rope. There is a topo of the descent in all the biffys up there, but for people who are doing internet research on this route, yes, a regular 60m rope is adequate for the raps. You will be hitting the knots in the end of your rope when you clip to the next anchor, but they are 30m apart and were designed to be used with a 60m rope. Did this myself July 2014.

"A new descent has been established on the South Howser Tower which avoids rappelling directly under the cornice early season and follows a significantly cleaner line than the old route. It is important to note that the descent is set up to be done with one 60m rope and is best descended this way due to the off fall line nature of following the steep ridge. A couple of the 30m raps are real rope stretchers and may require a move or two of downclimbing if your rope is a “short” 60m.

Marc Piché
Mountain Guide"

(July 2010)

Trad climber
  Aug 19, 2014 - 04:38pm PT
if only the weather gods could agree to allow passage to the summit,before the sh#t ,this is my kind of space,hope to make it some day,,thanks for the hints around the corner of routes not so crowded,,

Mountain climber
Draperderr, by Bangerter, Utah
Author's Reply  Aug 19, 2014 - 07:34pm PT
Thanks for the updates! We didn't mind having the added insurance of using doubles, but it's good to confirm that others can use a 60m on that new rappel route.

The first few rapps from the summit are a bit odd to figure out, but not too serious and easy enough to adjust as you go as long as you don't rappel OFF the side of the ridge, but more or less follow it down. As long as you don't do what I did lower down, it is very straightforward. With a 60m, you would be in more trouble than me if you accidentally rappel into that corner, as you won't be able to do what we did to deal with 'my bad'.

Trad climber
Boston, MA
  Aug 24, 2014 - 11:44pm PT
TFPU! Amazing trip report. On the bucket list for sure......
Sierra Ledge Rat

Mountain climber
Old and Broken Down in Appalachia
  Aug 25, 2014 - 12:15am PT
Beware, the 5.9+ roof pitch low on the route has a rope-eating crack below the roof. Keep your ropes out of the crack!

Trad climber
  Aug 27, 2014 - 01:47pm PT
Your trip report is much appreciated! Here is a topo for the rap's. Friends of Bugaboo Park has a Facebook page with a bunch of updated topos for spires around the park, you just have to flip through their photos for a while.

Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
  Aug 27, 2014 - 07:47pm PT
As nicely mentioned up-thread:

A little bit of magic and mystery has left the world

Converting a challenging adventure to a topo with exlicit photos and description does tend to change the serious tone of the climb.

I'm begging the wonderful author for more climbs, less photos with explicit information, and less descriptions, and maybe in the long run, a little more adventure for you young sprouts to enjoy on classic routes.

Like, we old sprouts with much more primitive gear, enjoyed in the 1970’s.


Boulder, CO
  Nov 4, 2017 - 09:08am PT
bumping this because... wow... what a TR effort.

this is listed in nah's index, yeah?