This transmission is coming to you from the Space Tower in Moab, Utah.
Handpicked for the mission are:
1. The Leader
2. The Graduate
3. The Hippie
4. The Intellectual
In his infinite wisdom, the Leader set up a giant top-rope with two 70 meter ropes so that all non-working team members could strategize about the mission at the space station. At first, the Graduate was skeptical of the utility of this arrangement but was later convinced when she learned how to pass a knot with a grigri and an ATC.
The Hippie and the Intellectual performed their duties with great effort and perseverance.
The Hippie was on her first mission and deserves a hearty congratulations for a job well done despite a nasty cold and an earlier squabble with the Graduate.
Alas, the Graduate's photo trolling opportunity was lost to the dusk...
But her important duties as head belayer and morale control were not to go unnoticed.
Space Tower to Mission Control: The crew is accounted for, Mission Accomplished!
For those of you who feel like pioneering your own mission to Space Tower, there is a small to medium hand crack that runs up almost the entire length of the chimney making for a very safe yet airy lead climb.