Trip Report
The Last Supper
Thursday December 9, 2010 10:27pm
Well, it's not about climbing, but about the start of a climbing trip. Jim is a snowbird: he flies from Ouray to Patagonia. I'm a snowbird and fly from Anchorage to Ouray. We both think we have a good deal. After a long flight down from Anchorage to Denver, I spent a few days with Malcolm and Karen in Boulder; it's still a ways to Ouray. We went to dinner at Laudisio where my daughter used to work and where their son now does. As we walked into the Happy Hour, Dana and Emily greeted us. Being social I sat down and promptly knocked Dana's wine over; I owe her one!

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Dana, Malcolm, and Emily at Laudisio
Dana, Malcolm, and Emily at Laudisio
Credit: AKTrad
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Then a long bus ride to Montrose, with a 3-hour layover in Grand Junction. I felt like a minority, but I made fine friends with a fellow from Trinidad traveling to Cortez to start a new life. His grandmother was from Cortez. I wished him luck and read my new camera manual, all 178 pages.

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The greyhound; where I left the driving to Jimmy
The greyhound; where I left the driving to Jimmy
Credit: AKTrad
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Angela retrieved me and my winter gear at the bus stop in Montrose, which was the Shell station...perfect! Jim returned from California a few days later and all was well with the world. Actually I suddenly wanted to go to Indian Creek because the weather was so warm, and the winter alpine season just didn't look inviting. I think Jim secretly did, too, but we were committed to our destinies.

For a final celebration, we decided to have a 'last supper' and enjoy the company of a few friends, so Jim drove to his secret fish market in Montrose for king salmon. I should have brought some from Alaska, but it would have been pretty sour by now. I had called McCarthy, and Jim had invited Hackett, two great friends in the area.

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Tuffy on guard duty
Tuffy on guard duty
Credit: AKTrad
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Climber reunions are the best! It was great to see everyone and catch up on the news, gossip and state of the world. The salmon was excellent! Jim is a master at the grill; Angela made a killer salad and baked potatoes. The wine flowed freely.

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The Silverbacks
The Silverbacks
Credit: AKTrad
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The conversation included discussion of why the sea is boiling hot and whether pigs have wings. I learned the current dating behavior of Ouray, which is vital to avoiding socially embarrassing moments in a small town. Sarah Palin was mentioned, and Jim got a bout of anger and intestinal flu. We changed the subject.

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Jim McCarthy
Jim McCarthy
Credit: AKTrad
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As usual considering the age of this crowd, the discussion turned to health and whether at our age we should be taking testosterone. Angela thought it would be great; I decided 'no'. McCarthy is on the board of the Lowell Observatory, so we learned about the grinding of the secondary lens in the huge new Discovery Channel Telescope. From the ridiculous to the sublime.

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Angela Goodacre
Angela Goodacre
Credit: AKTrad
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Angela kept the wild boys in order, calming and directing the conversation. She was excited to head to Patagonia and have the freedom to read and relax with no noise, no interruptions. After seeing her coffee table book, I thought I had stopped a continent too far north.

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Peter Hackett
Peter Hackett
Credit: AKTrad
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McCarthy gave legal opinions on a variety of subjects; Hackett dispensed medical advice; and we all talked climbing and friends.

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Jim Donini
Jim Donini
Credit: AKTrad
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Jim still hadn't packed, so we made it an early evening...and we're seniors!

  Trip Report Views: 2,530
About the Author
AKTrad is a mountain climber from AK.


Trad climber
West Los Angeles, CA/Joshua Tree
  Dec 9, 2010 - 10:38pm PT
Nice man. Thanks for a good read.
Captain...or Skully

Boise, ID
  Dec 9, 2010 - 10:47pm PT
Dig it.

Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
  Dec 9, 2010 - 10:47pm PT
AKTrad: Good to see photos of Donini in his lair, along with his beautiful wife.

I remember previous mention of that cat. However, I don't remember Donini keeping cats, in his past life.

Obviously, you would want to keep that cat on your side, or be sorry for a short and horrible time.

Fun report! Thanks!
Disaster Master

Social climber
Born in So-Cal, left my soul in far Nor-Cal.
  Dec 9, 2010 - 11:04pm PT
Looks like fun.Ruth and I met you at the Donini's in Oct. Enjoy the house sit "job".

Paul and Ruth.

(Hi Jim And Angela)

Mountain climber
Author's Reply  Dec 9, 2010 - 11:05pm PT
Angela and Jim have three cats: Tuffy is the largest. Jim never fears climbing horrible routes, instead he fears that one of the cats would stay out all night and get in trouble.

Mountain climber
Author's Reply  Dec 9, 2010 - 11:06pm PT
Hi Paul and Ruth!!! Great to hear from you again. Are you going to be in Ouray any time soon?

Trad climber
The state of confusion
  Dec 9, 2010 - 11:28pm PT

Share some more, please!!!!

Mountain climber
Author's Reply  Dec 9, 2010 - 11:30pm PT
SteveW, will do! Maybe tomorrow...

Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
  Dec 10, 2010 - 10:26am PT
Excellent AKTrad!!

Well written, and obviously good company too.

How was that prune wine anyway? HA!!

A long way from where I started
  Dec 10, 2010 - 11:07am PT
Always good to reunite with old friends.

from out where the anecdotes roam
  Dec 10, 2010 - 11:26am PT
i wish i had been the one to coin the phrase
"a life well lived is the best revenge"

since i didn't, i must toil.

meanwhile, here's to many more last suppers all around

Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
  Dec 10, 2010 - 12:12pm PT
I am the Walruss

Mountain climber
Author's Reply  Dec 10, 2010 - 01:06pm PT
DMT, We'll have to ask Dan Brown of the Da Vinci Code. I have Salvador Dali's "Last Supper" above my breakfast table; maybe I should exchange for your enhanced photo.

Mountain climber
Wilson, Wyoming
  Dec 11, 2010 - 04:27pm PT
Liking McCarthy's ski-mo race sweatshirt!!!