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1 - 2 of total 2 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
the long journey up the Muir Wall, El Cap. Another long[er] TR. - Click for details
 the long journey up the Muir Wall, El Cap. Another long[er] TR.
[August 2010] 2 weeks later... Back on the base of El Cap. It looms above me. The Shield Headwall looks like it is miles away. I don't want to lead today. My dad an...

by freerider
7,558 Nov 13, 2018 23
August in Cali -Never Never Land, Evolution Traverse,Muir Wall,WFLT - Click for details
 August in Cali -Never Never Land, Evolution Traverse,Muir Wall,WFLT
On July 27th I left for California and everything was planned and ready for it to become the coolest climbing trip ever, which it certainly was. After warming up in Tuolomne...

by freerider
12,641 Jul 17, 2011 64
1 - 2 of total 2 Trip Reports found matching: photoid=175195