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81 - 100 of total 2316 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
 University Peak FA Continuing Education
Seems like there's been a few alpine climbing threads lately so... Last April Kevin Ditzler and I flew into the Hawkins Glacier looking for something. We weren't really s...

by johnkelley
4,418 Feb 06, 2019 37
Chalkstorm - E3 Hands Free with Johnny Dawes! - Click for details
 Chalkstorm - E3 Hands Free with Johnny Dawes!
Warmest greetings SuperTopoists from a cold but sunny day in the UK! Here's a New Years offering of a wee video about the original and inimitable Stone Monkey, John...

by Bald Eagle
2,335 Feb 06, 2019 26
Cerro Torre; Merely An Attempt (Jan 2017) - Click for details
 Cerro Torre; Merely An Attempt (Jan 2017)
This climb took place a few years ago, during the season many dubbed "the worst in the last dozen years." It felt like a magnificent triumph and a frightening failure, mixed i...

by Vitaliy M.
3,907 Feb 05, 2019 44
Tahoe to Mammoth Trail - looking for single track - Click for details
 Tahoe to Mammoth Trail - looking for single track
I was thinking of posting this here... but thought I would try posting to a MTB forum instead. Let me know in the comments if you think I should have originally posted it o...

by Chris McNamara
2,623 Feb 05, 2019 10
West Face of Starr King - Hidden Gem of Yosemite - Click for details
 West Face of Starr King - Hidden Gem of Yosemite
One of the best climbs in the Sierra that sees relatively few ascents each year is right there in plain sight, visible from the Glacier Point road. Some consider it a Sierra c...

by qigongclimber
22,358 Jan 30, 2019 74
Splashless Leap into Twilight Zone - Click for details
 Splashless Leap into Twilight Zone
Update in 2019: Due to an implementation of the new photo policy on Supertopo, the TR below has become a little hard to read with the embedded images gone (replaced with l...

by Mei
7,042 Jan 29, 2019 51
Watchtower Peak (Hoover Wilderness Area) trip report   - Click for details
 Watchtower Peak (Hoover Wilderness Area) trip report
Watchtower Peak - Hoover Wilderness Area - trip report (way too long) Summary: 9 days, 14 people, 8 mules, 2 cases of beer, 5 gallons of booze, and one Barbie dol...

by cragnshag
8,732 Jan 26, 2019 34
Lurking Fear solo - My first time up the Captain - Click for details
 Lurking Fear solo - My first time up the Captain
Seems like everyone’s in the Valley right now, which made me both jealous and psyched. Which led to finally managing to write up my trip report from last year. Better late tha...

by Jane Gallwey
29,571 Jan 25, 2019 150
American 1975 Karakoram Expedition - an exercise in futility - Click for details
 American 1975 Karakoram Expedition - an exercise in futility
An American Karakoram Expedition - 1975 A seven part Saga of the 1975 American Karakoram Expedition. Not the 1975 American K2 Expedition, the other American expedition - ...

by Don Lauria
9,249 Jan 25, 2019 73
Lost Arrow Spire direct, first wall, first solo - Click for details
 Lost Arrow Spire direct, first wall, first solo
In the end, the most surprising fact about this ascent is that everything went exactly according to plan. Considering this was to be my first wall (after incomplete ...

by alexandre
8,039 Jan 22, 2019 35
Adventures with Elliot Robinson: Learning Kung Fu on Snake Dike - Click for details
 Adventures with Elliot Robinson: Learning Kung Fu on Snake Dike
No one has heard of Elliot Robinson. “No one,” in terms of perspective. Truth is, no one has really heard of Peter Croft, Jim Bridwell, or most of the otherwise-legendary figu...

by Zay
4,815 Jan 19, 2019 40
Got to see... the Gorge of Despair - Click for details
 Got to see... the Gorge of Despair
I figure there's not enough photos of the Gorge of Despair (the gorge, hanging canyon of intimidation, gorge of depression, place that's really hard to get to, or, more si...

by shylock
8,598 Jan 14, 2019 58
 The Gift: New Year's Eve and A Long Day on Half Dome
Dick Clark is getting old. And so am I. Its 11:15pm on New Years Eve and I’m doing my best not to be a party pooper. Kids run around in the living room, couples play cards ...

by micronut
11,191 Jan 09, 2019 77
Random photos from a messy Tibet season. No real climbing content. - Click for details
 Random photos from a messy Tibet season. No real climbing content.
From my phone. I don't carry a camera on route. Send while killing time in a chengdu Starbucks. ...

by ecdh
1,986 Jan 05, 2019 17
A Route for all Seasons: Strassman Memorial Route on Lone Pine Peak - Click for details
 A Route for all Seasons: Strassman Memorial Route on Lone Pine Peak
The Sierra season is short, we are told. July through September, then the snows come. True, but in the Range of Light, the sun comes out again after the storm and warms the...

by zoom loco
5,379 Jan 05, 2019 23
How I Learned to Climb the NIAD in 3 Days and 2 Nights - Click for details
 How I Learned to Climb the NIAD in 3 Days and 2 Nights
Warning: zero-beta alert. In fact, there is nothing insightful about this trip report. Our accomplishment is tarnished by the fact that thousands upon thousands before us ha...

by tahoe523
17,545 Jan 02, 2019 82
Retro Climbing Report: the Nose in 1990. by mynameismud - Click for details
 Retro Climbing Report: the Nose in 1990. by mynameismud
What I'm about to post is not my own report. It was written by another infrequent SuperTopo user mynameismud a couple of years ago when we shared among friends how we all lea...

by Mei
6,633 Dec 31, 2018 33
El Potrero Chico: all aboard the cruiseship named the s.s. convenientclipup - Click for details
 El Potrero Chico: all aboard the cruiseship named the s.s. convenientclipup
merry festive new holidaymasyear tacoheads! while the fire has seemingly been on the wane and there have been a pretty good chunk of folks who i'm assum...

by nah000
2,623 Dec 29, 2018 11
Castle Rock Spire With Roper and Powell  1962 - Click for details
 Castle Rock Spire With Roper and Powell 1962
CASTLE ROCK SPIRE WITH ROPER AND POWELL 1962 Ever since I first began climbing as a punk kid in Berkeley I have had a fascination with with pinnacles and spires. Seein...

by guido
3,687 Dec 28, 2018 21
Patagonia 2015-2016: The Journey is the Destination - Click for details
 Patagonia 2015-2016: The Journey is the Destination
For full trip report, additional photos, and art, visit: After three flights, a restless night in Buenos Aires, and a shuttle ride f...

by yosguns
6,445 Dec 26, 2018 33
81 - 100 of total 2316 Trip Reports found matching: photoid= << Previous Page    Next Page of Trip Reports >>